

Today wasn't actually too bad. Although it was raining and I don't like the rain. Well I do LIKE the rain, but only if the rain is really pouring down. Today the rain was more like wet mist... Which is annoying. First of all my hair was all curly, because it was so moist and second it was really cold when it started to rain! I love thunder storms, I'm crazy about them. It's funny how I don't really like the sun eighter. It's always too hot and I get a headache really fast. (one of the reasons I'm pale as snow)
Anyway! Today wasn't that bad. The school day wasn't too long and I had only 2 classes today. Now I'm just tired, but I promised to edit some pictures for my friend today so... Can't go take a nap yet! I don't really feel like writing today : ( So, I'll write tomorrow more (if I'll feel like it.. ^^'')

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