

Paranormal activity 2... Not that great as I though it would be. Sure it had a couple good scares, but the ending... SUCKED. It made no sence that the woman from the first movie just came there and killed the parents and then just took the infant with her. First off all, what the hell happened to the baby and I'd like to know what happened to the girl after it. I mean she must have suffered great trauma from it. What happened to them after it? It's bugging me that I don't know. I guess they'll make a third movie. Hopefully that one doesn't suck like these first two did. (By the way I'm a horror freak, I usually just watch horror movies, write horror stories, draw horror stuff, etc... ^^'') Well, I have to stop writing/updating the blog now, because me and my friend are going to watch more scary stuff and urban legends from the internet X'D

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