
Burn them, burn them all.

Viimeinen lomapäivä, viimeinen loman postaus. Tunnelma ei todellakaan oo hilpeä ja lievästi sanottuna vaivaantunut olo kouluun palaamisesta iskee päälle kokoajan kovempaa ja kovempaa. Viimeksi puhuinkii siitä että blogipäivät menee varmaankin uusiksi ja kielenki taidan vaihtaa (ainakin väliaikaisesti) englanniksi. Tämä muutos saa asua nyt voimaan. elikäs, kirjotan nyt sitten tulevaisuudessa blogin vain kerran viikossa (I know, I'm sorry, but this really is for the best) eli varmaankin perjantaisin, mutta jätän itelle sen verran pelivaraa että voit odotella merkintää viikonlopun ajan. Koitan tehä sen perjantaisin, mutta varmaa on joskus just sillon suunnitelmia niin pe, la, su on päivät ku voit odotella että tänne jotakin ilmaantuu.
Se että miksi vaan kerran viikossa johtuu pääasiassa siitä että koulussa  käyminen vastoin oletuksia ei oo mitenkään hohdokasta (all of you knew that already) ja siitä on mun mielestä turhaa ja tylsää raportoida teille jatkuvasti. En usko että teitäkään kiinnostaa mitkään ongelmat kurssien järjestämisen kanssa, tai kuinka ei kiinnosta taas yhtään tuo pitkä matikka.
Kielen vaihtamisesta oli puhetta kans jo viimeksi ja siihen kerroin jo syynki; harjotus englanin yo-kokeeseen. : D

Now that all of that stuff has been said, on with the update.

From Thursday till today, I've mostly been laying in bed, feeling sick for no apparent reason. So honestly I have no new pictures or anything to hype about, on the contrary I have a few things to hate on. Today's blog, I need to warn you, will be a rant. I'll try not to bash out too much or give spoilers.

***Warning: strong hate towards 50 shades of "Grey" (shit) coming ahead***
***Notice this is just my opinion and if you liked the book that's your business, not mine***

Like I said in my previous post I've started reading 50 shades of Grey. I think I already then predicted that I will not like this book at all and surprise, surprise I was right. I've just now finished the first 150 pages of this abomination that some people call literature and I'm seriously considering moving to Mars to live with Curiosity.

This "book" is horrible. Just terrible.... Beyond words. What makes all this at least a little bit hilarious to me is that this book was originally a Twilight fanfic that has now been turned into a Twilight rip-off full of sex, sex and oh yes, more sex. Ugh..... I like nothing about this book. Not a thing. The way it's been written cuts close to the way I wrote fanfics and other short stories when I was freaking twelve.

The characters are just ridiculous... They are so cliche that my eyes are burning. My inner feminist woke up after just the first few pages in absolute rage. The main character Anastasia is just childish and needy. She is supposed to be almost 22 but she acts and talks like a teenager going through puberty. Hell I'm younger than she is and I feel like a middle aged woman while reading about her amazing life with her amazing catch Mr. Psychopath... I feel like women today should, and have a mind of their own and I'm glad women can make it on their own, but this book takes us back over 60 years when a woman needs a man to survive apparently.

All this main character Anastasia seems to want in her life in to be a sex slave for Christian Grey. She needs nothing more to her life. No job, no ambitions, no mind of her own... It's the most romantic thing ever when this man can tell her what she can eat, wear, who she can meet and when, etc. Really...? Are you, excuse my french, fucking kidding me!? I want to slap that mindless little girl with a brick... Wake the hell up! 

This book is supposed to take place in the real world. NO, IT DOES NOT. There is nothing real about this. Nothing. This is the opposite of realistic. This is crappy fiction at its best.

I get that women fantasize about a man who is handsome, rich and very specific about wanting you to be a part of his life, but this guy, Christian Grey, is not okay. He is damn close, or from my point of view he is, to being a psychopath who will one day kill you before you get old an ugly, put your body in the freezer and talk your empty shell everyday until he can make you into a zombie. No wait, that would actually make this book interesting to read...

I've already heard of the horrors that await me should I continue reading this book, or this whole trilogy for that matter ***SPOILER***; apparently Anastasia will become pregnant and honestly for a second I thought that okay, that's good. She'll become a mother and surely then she'll find her brains and start acting responsible. But oh no... I was mistaken. She will not. I read a part of the other books and seems like Anastasia and Christian are still having the same grim sex as before while she is pregnant. Now, I'm not a doctor, but I'm quite sure that, that is something you should not do while pregnant... I really doubt that is healthy for the baby. Actual quote from the third book:

*will not quote the magical land of sex that happens here*

"Christian lies beside me, his hand caressing my belly, his long fingers splayed out wide.
"'How's my daughter?'"
"'She's dancing"', I laugh.
"'Dancing? Oh yes! I can feel her."' He grins as Blip two sommersaults inside me.
"' I think she likes sex already.'"

Tell me that does not throw you off.....? That doesn't make you fell sick? She is talking about her yet unborn baby... Such a good mother... The girl will surely have a great childhood.

This, honestly, threw me into a rage. This is what women now-days fantasize about!? Disgusting.... Anastasia makes me ashamed of being a woman... Sure anyone can do anything they want behind those closed doors in their bedroom, doesn't make much difference in my life, but when what you're doing endangers the life of someone else, you cross a line. ...hell...

Enough of this shittery... I very much dislike this book if you couldn't tell that already and I'd like to see all of these books burned.. This to me is not good literature, actually to me this is not literature at all and I am ashamed if this the book that all of our generations should read and will be remembered of.

Cannot wait till the movie about this abomination comes out.... : ) It's going to be such an educative film. Really they should show it in schools...

If it is smut you are looking for there are a million times better written works here on the internet.

I do not want to live on Earth anymore.


So yes there it was, my reading experience with 50 shades of Grey. I do not know yet will I continue or not, I have been told to just finish it, for then I'd really have the right to bitch about it, but we'll see.

To counter this horror I will now go and play games and maybe watch a good actually romantic movie.

Hopefully you did not die from too strong opinions that were presented and will survive for another day. : D

I shall return back to you next weekend to tell you about the first week back to school and the healing process of my tattoo! See you then!


2 kommenttia:

  1. SIIS OON NIIN SAMAA MIELTÄ TUON 50 SHADES OF GREYN KANSSA. Lainasin ko. kirjan kaverilta joka ylisti sitä ihan maasta taivaaseen. Luin kirjan jossain kolmessa päivässä ja kun lopetin, olin kyl ihan varma että tuhlasin mun aikaa. Se on suoraan kun jostain fanficistä, ilman mitään järkevää juonta. IMO, siinä oli vaan yritetty rakentaa seksikohtauksien ympärille joku juoni. Samaa kamaa saan - ilmaiseksi - kun menen nettiin katsomaan pornoa.
    Plus se lapsellinen "rahalla mutkat suoriksi" tyyli ärsytti. Voidaan matkustaa ja tehdä ihan mitä tahansa koska kirjan hahmo on rikas... tyyylsäääää! jotain mielikuvitusta vähän peliin!

    1. Jos tuo olis ihan nimellä fanfic, niin kokisin jotakin ymmärrystä tuota kirjaa kohtaan, ei kukaan kirjota kauhean hyvää tekstiä ekaksi ja fanficit nyt on sellasia että niitä ei julkaista koska ne ei oo niin hyviä ite kirjoina koska ne perustuu aina johonki muuhun ja sen takia niissä fanficeissä on sentään joku järki (jos on)... and then this fucker comes along, vaihtaa nimet ja julkaisee tän.... Hävettää kaikkien meidän puolesta jotka joskus fanficiä kirjottaa... Disgrace!

      Ja nimenomaan juoni tässä koko kirjassa on ilmeisesti se että Anastasia on päättäny että jos tarpeeksi kauan antaa Christianille, oi ihanalla Adonikselle mitä haluaa niin vielä joku päivä kiitos Anastasian hän voi muuttua! ah ihanaa! <3 todella hyvä esimerkki..... Onneksi tuo toimiikin niin usein oikeassa elämässä ja onneksi myös on niin sinisilmäisiä nuoria ihmisiä jotka oikeasti ottaa tämän esimerkiksi oikeasti toimivasta suhteesta ja tuhlaa koko elämänsä väkivaltaisessa ja älyttömässä suhteessa.. : )

      On se kyllä kumma ku Anastasia vasta sitte oikeasti huomaa haluavansa sitä hullua ku se alkaa osteleen sille kaikkea roskaa ja vähä esittelee sen kivaa helikopteria ja muuta mukavaa. Tottakai koska se on rikas ja sillä on kaikkea niin voi sitte hyväksyä sen miten se kohtelee sitä ja muutenki sen *köh*hullut*köh* fantasiat. Auta armias jos se mies oiski köyhä tai keskitulionen.... Haluaisin kyllä kuulla että miten sitte tuolle suhteelle ois käyny!

      Uskomatonta että tää häväistys on oikeasti bestselleri... huh huh.
