
Holy shit it's 2015

It really is 2015.... wow. 

So I haven't updated in a long time. I know I said that I would try to update while I was at home-home, but I didn't really have a chance to focus on this. So Christmas came and went, so did New Years. 

I didn't even have a change to make a review video of my 2014... D: I might try to get around to making one at some point, but for now I just need to relax. 

honestly I haven't had a real chance to just sit back and relax yet. There's constantly been something coming up. A lot has been going on with Christmas and New Years, but since I'm too lazy to write about it all, I'm just going to show you guys some pictures from December... : D
Here's some of the stuff I got for Christmas!

 And I got the final addition to the Final Fantasy XIII series as well!

And then something called re-growth happened and I had horrible roots all December. Me and my sister tried to bleach them in the hopes of being able to then dye then the same shade of green as the rest of my hair, but that failed. My roots were this weird lime-green-thingy and at first I wasn't really sure what to do about it. I didn't want to get rid of the green color completely, but touching up the roots turned out to be a little bit too difficult. My sister pointed out that she has always thought that my ombre-hair has been her favorite of all the hairstyles that I've had so that gave me an idea...
 And this is how it turned out!
 I don't know why exactly the green turned blue and turquoise, but I don't dislike it.
I feel like this ombre-color makes me look older, more like I'm actually in my twenties, which I don't mind. This will be a lot more practical to touch-up!

So New Year's Eve was kind of a blur and definitely did not go as planned. I honestly wasn't in a party mood at all, even though that had been the goal and the whole evening was a bit poopy. But hey at least I got to hang out with Keela, Kata, Eva and other people and that was pretty fun! I'm so glad that Keela is in Finland for about two more weeks or so! <3

That's unfortunately all I've got for now. I'll try to get back to updating more regularly soon! 
Now I'm gonna go and munch on some chinese food. <3

See ya!! <3

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