

why.... why did I put these nails on????? Writing is so sloooooow with these... D: This week I'm doing this update all in English to save some time so if a translation is necessary, I'm sure you'll find some hilarious translator to help you out. : )

I'm dead tired and I slept so poorly last night... Yesterday was Kata's and Eva's housewarming party and I, thanks to the stomach-thing I currently still have the medication for, can't drink for now; so *I was the driver for the evening. Man that party was fun, but boy did it drain all of my energy... : s 

Also Keela happened! She was here from Thursday and we went to Kata's party together. : ) Naturally there are pictures coming up, but I haven't had the time to edit them or the video for that matter yet, so they'll be coming up next week (when I'll possibly already be at my new place). But no worries I do have a video and pictures for this week too, sadly they're not featuring Keela though!

So as hinted before my move to the new place is happening really soon and we'll probably start moving stuff in today or tomorrow. It feels so weird moving to a new place! And it also feels weird that school is going to start soon, or well, in a little over a week. I'm starting to get nervous... Uni-life here I come!! 

Oh yesh and I dyed my hair again! I finally got around trying the Majicontrast color in Red (mixed with 30 vol peroxide [I could totally have used 20 vol, but I didn't have any so...]). My red got a lot brighter and I prefer this to the more toned-down color that I had all summer. 

Oh yeah I'm doone writing.. : D See ya next week!! <3

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