

So here we are, a day late from the usual but I guess this is better than not updating at all this week. : D

Now my English matriculation exams are over but next week starts the normal "exam week" so math test will be coming up soon... Yay! : D

This week I finally did it.... I dyed my hair pink! And even though it's not an even color at all (rather looks like I'd have 2 colors in my head) it's very bright, very attention attracting and pink. : D I am of course a little bit sad that the color isn't even and it sure is not a cupcake pink but a freaking neon pink, so not quite what I was planning. : D I'm thinking that when I get enough roots I'll strip the color from my hair and then probably re-dye my hair and aim to get it the color as I originally wanted it to be. : D

Let the bar story begin!!!!!

Let's move on to even funner things! Yesterday I went to a bar for the first time. : D I know most of my readers are from Finland but just to clear things up the legal age of drinking here is 18 (though you can't buy bottles of stronger alcohol until the age of 20). Most bars and clubs are R20 but a few you can get into when you're only 18. 
It's a custom here (or at least among everyone that I know) that the day you turn 18, whether it maybe in the middle of the week or not, you'll go to a bar and have a few drinks. Now, I'm not the bar/clubs kinda girl mostly because social encounters are not my thing and I still have a level of fear for people under the influence. I skipped out on going to a bar when I turned 18 (almost 6 months ago) but made a promise to go when my friend Kata turned 18. So..... She turned 18 on Wednesday and on Friday I was able to gather up my courage and go. 
Our initial plan was to go to a nightclub, Dione, which is just your usual club where the younger adults go. As much as I like dancing and music I just feel awkward when in a party of any sort where you have loads of young adults drunk (and for some messed up reason I feel a lot more comfortable when actual adults are drunk). I thought that well it's a first time for everything and I shouldn't be so judgmental even before I've ever been to one, so I'll just give it a go and if it doesn't turn out well for me I'll just leave. 
I don't know if it was lucky or not but the lines to the club were so long and it was really cold outside that me and Kata decided to go somewhere else. We circled around Oulu for about an hour wondering where we could get into. Finally we ended up in a bar, more a like a pub, called "Kulma" or "Kuluma" (which is the actual name of the place) = Corner in English.  I had heard a lot about the place from my dad and he has always told me that me and him must go there together some time because the place is just great! Which it really turned out to be! I fell in love with it! <3
The place looked a bit like the pub I visited in London back in 2011. A lot of people inside, rather loud music and just overall an easygoing feel. Making the place a hundred times better was that the bartenders and the bouncer were mighty handsome and kind. ; ) 
Of course we had to have the cliche "Cosmopolitans" there... And we also had a cider and then just before we left we had the awesome drinks called "Rammstein"(just like the band). Now that's a real drink. I mean wow. Actually I'd say the whole drink is more about the performance that the bartenders do as they make the drink. Most of the light in the whole place are dimmed down, they put on a song by Rammstein (obviously), light up the alcohol in flames and breath fire before they pour the liquor in the strawberry smoothie. And to top that all the drink it self doesn't taste half bad. ; )
Oh and we also met a Finnish celebrity (a comedian/actor)  there, called Jukka Rasila! We even took a picture with him just before we left. : D 
A very, very cool (sarcasm) drink! : D 

There is another drink they light up, I have no idea what the name of it is, but in that one they make a whole bottle burn! If you'd like to see that one too, there's a video on YouTube of that one also. : D 

A fantastic night!!!! <3

And lucky me no hangover! ; D (we did drink more than just that...XD)

That's about it for this week. A nice update mostly about going to a bar.... XD Hope you don't mind! 

I'll see you next week with hopefully a plan for a new video!

Byeee! <3

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