

So it's May already.. :D


Also I have no idea what to write about. :'D Two weeks went by really fast. 

But hey Vappu happened! I had a pretty fun day. I went out and participated in the parade that we had, then I sat with friends in a park and we watched as Teekkarit dove into the ditch (not jealous, that water must have been freezing cold!). In the evening I hung out with some other friends in a pub for a little while before I headed back to my place.
After Vappu I headed back home and I stayed there for quite a few days!
Yesterday I came back to my place and I also went to see the new Avengers movie yesterday with Kata! :) I was channeling the Scarlet Witch with my outfit and makeup. :) And I finally got my old bike back so I don't necessarily have to take the bus everywhere now, yay! :D 
And honestly that's about it for now. Next week I start working and in two weeks my summer courses are going to start. I still have one more exam coming up as well. 

See ya! <3

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