Yey! It's finally April, which means that summer isn't too far away!! ♥ Happy happy go go~!! ...almost.
Today I don't have to read to any exams! I'm quite pleased with that. I had georaphy exam today and I can't really say too much of it. I personally think it went okay, there were somethings I wasn't sure of and had to guess, but othervise it went well. ...i think. I got it done in an hour, which was good time from me, but I'm still nervous.
I had to run to catch the bus, but I made it. : 33 I was home at 10.35. As soon as I opened the front door I ran to my room, changed my clothes and went for a walk. I was tired, but I just had to force myself to go out. I walked for about 8 km in about 55 minutes, which I think is pretty well. And then when I came back I lifted some weights so that I'd get my arms in a better condition. I was half asleep by now, I was sooooooooooo _tired_. Before I could sleep I still had to take a shower and eat breakfest. So I took a shower and then ate some salad. As soon as I was done eating I went to bed and slept till 14.11. (I kind of made myself a calendar that tells me when I need to take a walk, train my arms or my abs. I wish I'll be able to keep up doing all of that without getting sick of it...)
Now I'm just hanging here at my computer in my pyjamas trying to think of something to do today. I think I'm going to play with my PS2 and 'cause today it's gonna be just me and my mom, so we might play ZUMBA on xbox kinetic. We haven't tried it yet, but it sounds like fun. : )

Now I'm for some weird reason listening to the song "I'll make a man out of you" from the movie Mulan. It's great song. XD It's so nostalgic and so good!! Anyway, I think I'll go change or something. Mom's gonna be home soon, so... : 3
OH OH OH!!! Me and my friend thought of some Disney characters that we resemble!! :''DD We had so much fun!!! (Don't ask me why I'm almost always the bad guy, you need to ask Ida, Mirva, Kata & Krista for that XD) Here are some of them:
The Little Mermaid:
LUSHI- Ursula
Krista- King Triton
Kati- Flounder
Mirva- some plant (don't ask, don't know)
Ida- Floatsam (or Jetsam, not sure which if "Kiero")
Sleeping Beauty:
LUSHI- Maleficent
Krista- Fauna, the green fairy
Kati- Merryweather, the blue fairy
Mirva- Flora, the red fairy
Ida- prince Phillip's horse (yeah, a horse. Don't ask.)
The Lion King:
Krista- Shenzi
Kati- Banzai
Mirva- Ed
Ida- Rafiki
LUSHI- Hades
Krista- Pain
Kati- Pannic
Mirva- Philoctetes/Phil
Ida- Megara
Beauty and the Beast:
LUSHI- Lumière
Krista- Belle
Kati- Cogsworth
Mirva- Cup
Ida- the Beast
LUSHI- Rasputin
Krista- Anastasia
Kati- Dimitri
Mirva- Bartok
Ida- Marie Feodorovna
There were like a million others too, but this blog is already way too long. XD
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