Today wasn't such a bad day even though school is never fun. I found a new artist who _love_: Shiloh. Her song "Can't hold on" keeps ringing in my head all the time! She's so pretty too ;u;
(sjdupajsdxcasfjdåaeäködhsäfhzs I feel lazy, but I'll just try to update at least something...)
I watched Ghost Hunt and now I'm watching D.Gray-Man for the third time. It's a great anime too ♥ I love Allen and Tykki Mikk (or however you spell his name) aaand Komui is soooo funny ♥♥♥

I'm supposed to read a book for my Finnish course and I'm having some trouble deciding what book should I read. There are a few that I'd love to read, but I can do my essay about only one of them. All of the book are famous and known to be written in a brilliant way; Flowers of Hiroshima, Schindler's list and American Psycho. I'm currently in the favor of reading American Psycho, since the movie about it was so great. Even more amasing visual prodution was Shindler's list, but I'm slowly thinking that I'd rather not read the book for this course. As much as I'm intrested in the second world war, I'd still rather not read about how so many innocent people died just for one man's belief, at least not now. I'm going to assume that the book has nothing amusing about it and it's mostly just depressing and heartbreaking just like the movie was. I'm not saying that the book would be "bad" or "something you shouldn't read", no, not at all; I personally think that it's a book you just _have to_ read. I'm just going to push reading it untill later. ...Maybe I'll read it in the summer when I have more time.

Anyway~ I'm gonna go and watch some more of the D.Gray-man now o/
Thumbs up for D.Gray-man! I'll also recommend reading the American Psycho book, it's a lot better than the movie in my opinion ;)