Yesterday I had this idea to try and capture this "emo"-ish feeling on camera, so I played with fakeblood and makeup a little and took some pictures. Was a lovely idea at 00.00 am... ^^' Here's a couple of those pictures:

Today I'm studying for exam again. A piece of me died inside when I lifted my biology books on the table this morning. : < Biology isn't the only subject I need to read; I also need to study for my English exam, which is on Tuesday. I don't feel like reading much to it, so I think I'll just look at some glossary words so that I'll pass. I might do that later today, if I feel like it. Soon I'll continue on studying biology, but I'm taking a break. I already read my notebook and some papers that our teacher gave us. She also gave us a paper in which she explained what things we need to read carefully for the exam, so I'll focus on them.
Tomorrow I'm gatting my eyes checked and luckily my friend Misa promised to go with me. I _should_ study for the English exam the whole day tomorrow, but naah. I'm sure I'll pass the exam even without reading.
P.S If you're extremely bored go check out my deviantART account and my YouTube channel! ♥
So scary! haha :D
VastaaPoistaChecked your dA and youtube and got some more ideas for my hair now that I'm growing it again. Maybe I should go visual again :D
: DD Good that at least someone got something out of my pictures/videos :''D Visual is always gooooood : 33