I found my perfect glasses! ♥ Thanks to Nina, Misa and Ida. They helped me pick the perfect ones, and I'm quite happy with what we came up with. They are a bit more massive, than the ones I have now so thay fit my style way better. I'm going to go order the right lenses for them on saturday with my mom. I hope I'll get them soon. They are going to look so cool! (or at least that's what I think) It'll take a while for me to be able to go and get them with the right lenses, but that's okay.
I'm gonna go and take a shower soon. I need one, not because I look like I need one, but just taking a shower calms me down, so I won't stress about the tests that much before I go to bed.
(P.S a picture from school!!! I took it yesterday but forgot about it)

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