So this is the last day in Helsinki. : ( We leave at 10pm and are back home at about 9-10am. I kinda want to go home, 'cause that means that I can hangout with Elina, but it's kind off sad to leave. I'll miss the shopping part and my sister.
When I'm home, I'll start playing Kingdom Hearts 1&2 again, try on the contacts, probably take pictures, hangout with Elina, watch Gokusen 2&3 and watch Cartoon KAT-TUN. ^^ So yeah, I have quite a lot plans for the rest of the vacation. Let's hope I'll be able to get everything done.
I'm not going to go shopping today. I just want to stay at my sisters place and take it easy. I've already shopped enough and I feel like I'm completely broke. So shopping will have to wait until next time I come here. : ) Sure I can go shopping in Oulu too, but they don't have that many stores I could find the stuff that I want. Luckily my mom told me that some clothes that we ordered from H&M have arrived and that we'll pick them up tomorrow. Usually i don't use/buy clothes from H&M (just for some reasons many people are aware off and also the quality of the clothes is actually pretty poor; the clothes break easily). This time I just had to buy clothes from there, because if I ignore the quality of the clothes, they are cheap and the delivery from the store to my place is quick.
So yeah, anyway, I'll write later if I have the time. o/
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