I'm getting sick, AGAIN! I've been choughing so much that I didn't sleep even for an hour last night. I think I also have fever, but I haven't measured my temperature yet. : < I feel so tired and ill. I'm a bit afraid that I can't go to school tomorrow, which would be a really, really bad thing. If I feel this sick I probably shouldn't go, but if I feel better in the evening and get some sleep tonight I'll go. I've lost my voice almost completely and I can't talk almost at all. I've been trying to make myself immune by eating vitamins and stuff, but no. Nothing seems to work. I get sick all the time. When this cold/fever is gone I'll start being outside more, maybe that would help a bit.
Anyway, I started my morning by doing school work. Today I'll finally try to do them, even though the crisis in Japan is still bothering me. I aldready wrote my English essey and studied a little for my math test. I have to keep writing the filosofy essey. I've only done 1/5 of it. I still have more than 2 weeks to get it done, but I'm sure that if I won't start doing it now, I won't be able to get it doen in time.
----> back to school work!
Pakko tulla tähän kehumaan, mut oot ihan sikasöpön näkönen =) Ja sun hiukset on rakkautta ♥
VastaaPoistaPaljon kiitoksia ♥ ^^