
Here we are!

Finally in Helsinki! My sister is still as work, but I'm hanging out with her boyfriend. We both sitting in the living room, both on our own laptops. :''DD My prents both wen't to bed, they didn't seem to sleep too well in the train. Our younger dog is running all over the place and I'm afraid, he'll break something soon. He just doesn't really have anything to do and he must feel a bit excited to be in a whole new place.

(Random note, I feel sorry for Justin Bieber. I mean come on. He's so small and still trying to be all grown up in his videos... Poor kid.)

Anyway! o/ We're going to the see the play/musical WICKED today. I'm not too excited about it. Hopefully tomorrow we'll go shopping, so I can by some nice things for myself and for Elina.

The ride here wasn't too comfortable. The train kept shaking and made loud sounds all the time. The "room" we were in had three beds. They were all against the same wall, so they were placed so that one bed was under another bed. You know what I mean, don't you? So obviously I had to sleep on the bed that was the closest to the roof. There was a two meter drop down from the bed, so I was a little scared that I would fall down durning the night, 'cause I tend to roll in my bed. Luckily I didn't! I had to use a ladder to climb down from the bed each time I needed to go to the bathroom or something. It kinda sucked. I woke up many times durning the night, and now I'm a bit tired.

But yeah, write more later if something exciting happens.: D

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