Just tried out the drink called "sima" that me and my mom made on sunday! : D (Sima doesn't have alcohol in it so don't get mistaken 'cause I called it a drink) It's kinda like soda, but not quite. ^^ Aaaaand it was goooood. ♥
School was amazingly boring yet again and I was half asleep on all of my classes. Thew only new thing today was that I had a math test, which I had forgot about and hadn't read to at all. oh well~ \o/
Ah I'm watching this video response to another video on youtube which has this UCLA girl ranting about Asians and I'm somewhat hoping that someone would go and help out the poor girl who has no idea that she has just insulted an entire race. But anyway! The video is called: "Ching Chong! Asians in the Library Song (Response to UCLA's Alexandra Wallace)" In the video there is this guy who makes this sweet song the UCLA girl that was racist towards Asians. The video is so good!!! And song gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day! : D Go check it out!!
I'm not making much progress with the KHR re-run. I've watched only about 15 episodes and skipped most parts of those episodes. Mostly because I personally think that in the first episodes the story doesn't really move on at all and they are just making filler episodes and making the characters familiar to you, but because I've already watched the first 150-200 episodes of it, I reaaaally don't need to stuck with the boring parts. Anyway! I'm all droooool when I see Hibari, 'cause he's just so badass... XDDD And also because I've read like 100 doujinshis and i those... well... ; )) go se for yourself how he is in those.
I think it was yesterday when me and my friend Kata talked about men in general. We also had to admit to ourselves that we need guys (and I mean boyfriends). We both agree that getting a boy, who doesn't really know anything about "life" or such is someone we'd rather not have by our side. *cough* reminds me of someone *cough*
Side note! I wonder what is it that makes bad guys so attractive to me. I mean... srly there's just something about that mysterious-type, cool-type, badass-type, the villan-of-the-story -type of a guy that makes my knees weak. If anyone happens to know the reason to that, do tell. : 3
Back to watching KHR!
KHR re-run _again_
Alrighty then; it's getting pretty obvious that there has to be something fucked up in my system 'cause I'm sick all the time. I started womiting last night at about 2am and had a terrible headache (you know the type when you see any light at all and you feel like some is stabbing your brain?). Clearly school was not such a great idea so I stayed home. I'm feeling _okay_ now, but my head still feels weird. I slept most of the day and durning the time that I was awake I watched a couple movies and then House.
Anyway; finished D.gray-man and now I'm feeling slightly empty just like I always do when I finnish watching an anime or some other series. I started thinking that what series would I watch next and decided that it's been too long since I last watched Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I've noticed that I never watch a series if I don't find any of the characters interesting; in KHR's case the character I love the most is Hibari Kyoya (I clearly have a thing for "bad" guys [but I guess he's kinda not a bad guy but rather this cool type of a guy which I also might have a thing for]).

Sorry XD I just love that song so much!
Tomorrow I'll go to school no matter how shitty I feel. : / can't keep missing any more classes (though I don't need to be worried yet).
I'm gonna asume everyone at least is somewhat aware of what Facebook is(?). I've been talking to this person on my DeviantART account and now I think I might have found her on facebook so I added her. I'm not sure if she's the right person though, 'cause there were like 100 hits on that name, but yeah. Let's hope I found the right person. (Why did I even mention this here?? not sure about that either.)
Anyway; finished D.gray-man and now I'm feeling slightly empty just like I always do when I finnish watching an anime or some other series. I started thinking that what series would I watch next and decided that it's been too long since I last watched Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I've noticed that I never watch a series if I don't find any of the characters interesting; in KHR's case the character I love the most is Hibari Kyoya (I clearly have a thing for "bad" guys [but I guess he's kinda not a bad guy but rather this cool type of a guy which I also might have a thing for]).

Sorry XD I just love that song so much!
Tomorrow I'll go to school no matter how shitty I feel. : / can't keep missing any more classes (though I don't need to be worried yet).
I'm gonna asume everyone at least is somewhat aware of what Facebook is(?). I've been talking to this person on my DeviantART account and now I think I might have found her on facebook so I added her. I'm not sure if she's the right person though, 'cause there were like 100 hits on that name, but yeah. Let's hope I found the right person. (Why did I even mention this here?? not sure about that either.)

So the holiday's over today. Back to school tomorrow. *sigh* Not excited about it. And I didn't get any sleep last night..... I don't really know why. I went to bed before midnight and then I kept rolling around the bed until 5am. I'm _really_ tired and annoyed. The only good thing that I see in this day is that yet again the sun is shining and it looks like summer is almost here.
I'm almost done watching D.Gray-man. Only a few episodes left. I've also read the manga to as far as it has been continued now. I'm praying that they'll continue the anime, but I have my doupts. Some have said they've started already making it, but they are just not sure when the first episode will come out in Japan. Some say that there's not going to be an anime at all; that the whole series is finished and only the manga will continue. I hope so bad that the anime would continue. I like watching anime more than reading manga, so it would be nice to see (WARNING SPOILER!!!) or rather cool to see Allen as a Noah and Tyki Mikk with his long hair ♥ Aaaand all the other new Noahs. But then I'm sure I'll cry when all those sad things happen to Kanda and Alma and also when they show Kanda's past.(END OF SPOILER!!!)
There's this one song that's stuck in my head.... "I can't decide" by Scissor Sisters. The song makes my day, really. Mostly because there's a person in my mind when I listen to the song. ♥♥♥ ^^ Ah, I wish him the best, _not_.
Lyrics to the song ♥:
It's not easy having yourself a good time
Greasing up those bets and betters
Watching out they don't four-letter
Fuck and kiss you both at the same time
Smells-like something I've forgotten
Curled up died and now it's rotten
I'm not a gangster tonight
Don't want to be a bad guy
I'm just a loner baby
And now you're gotten in my way
I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride
It's a bitch convincing people to like you
If I stop now call me a quitter
If lives were cats you'd be a litter
Pleasing everyone isn't like you
Dancing jigs until I'm crippled
Slug ten drinks I won't get pickled
I've got to hand it to you
You've played by all the same rules
It takes the truth to fool me
And now you've made me angry
I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride
Oh I could throw you in the lake
Or feed you poisoned birthday cake
I wont deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone
Oh I could bury you alive
But you might crawl out with a knife
And kill me when I'm sleeping
That's why
I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride
And the song makes me feel goosd too. Even though the lyrics are a bit, well... dark, I love it how the song itself is so happy~ ♥
Holiday ♥
Ah, it feels like saturday even tough it's only friday! And no school on monday!!! \o/ ♥
Yesterday Ida came over and we started working with her hair to make it like Aleine from Porcelain Black. And we finished it today. She really looks a lot like her now even though the blond part is still too dark. I'm bored now that Ida left and I've finished editing the pictures that we took.
HEY U GUYS KNOW WHAT!? I PASSED MY MATH EXAM!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ Guess who's happy as hell about it! XD
Anyway I gotta go to ask my mom to massage the back of my neck before I'll die of the pain...
Here are the pictures that we took today! o/

Yesterday Ida came over and we started working with her hair to make it like Aleine from Porcelain Black. And we finished it today. She really looks a lot like her now even though the blond part is still too dark. I'm bored now that Ida left and I've finished editing the pictures that we took.
HEY U GUYS KNOW WHAT!? I PASSED MY MATH EXAM!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ Guess who's happy as hell about it! XD
Anyway I gotta go to ask my mom to massage the back of my neck before I'll die of the pain...
Here are the pictures that we took today! o/

...Conditioner ruined my hair.
My hair is now red, _AGAIN_. I didn't want it to be red nor do I like it. Srly it couldn't have made it any worse. I have to wait for about 2-3weeks before I'll do any dramatic changes to it; I'm gonna dye it 1/3 blond 2/3 black. I'm wuite sure it'll look okay/cool but I still need to wait! I don't want to dye it now even though I don't like the red at all, 'cause I don't want my hair to get anymore damaged than needed to, so I'll try to endure this color for a while.
(Sure the color is _BRIGHT_ and all, but I loved the orange! I've had this color before and I haven't missed it too much. Besides if I've had the color before I'd rather not have it again, at least not after such a short time.)
Here's a picture of the disaster:
(Sure the color is _BRIGHT_ and all, but I loved the orange! I've had this color before and I haven't missed it too much. Besides if I've had the color before I'd rather not have it again, at least not after such a short time.)
Here's a picture of the disaster:

I love sleeping ♥
I was supposed to take a 30min nap but I woke up 2 hours later when Bono (younger dog) sat on top of my back. ♥ I _FAIL_. But sleeping is my thing *3* even though I have nightmares 60% of the time when I sleep.
Today wasn't such a bad day even though school is never fun. I found a new artist who _love_: Shiloh. Her song "Can't hold on" keeps ringing in my head all the time! She's so pretty too ;u;
(sjdupajsdxcasfjdåaeäködhsäfhzs I feel lazy, but I'll just try to update at least something...)
I watched Ghost Hunt and now I'm watching D.Gray-Man for the third time. It's a great anime too ♥ I love Allen and Tykki Mikk (or however you spell his name) aaand Komui is soooo funny ♥♥♥
I'm supposed to read a book for my Finnish course and I'm having some trouble deciding what book should I read. There are a few that I'd love to read, but I can do my essay about only one of them. All of the book are famous and known to be written in a brilliant way; Flowers of Hiroshima, Schindler's list and American Psycho. I'm currently in the favor of reading American Psycho, since the movie about it was so great. Even more amasing visual prodution was Shindler's list, but I'm slowly thinking that I'd rather not read the book for this course. As much as I'm intrested in the second world war, I'd still rather not read about how so many innocent people died just for one man's belief, at least not now. I'm going to assume that the book has nothing amusing about it and it's mostly just depressing and heartbreaking just like the movie was. I'm not saying that the book would be "bad" or "something you shouldn't read", no, not at all; I personally think that it's a book you just _have to_ read. I'm just going to push reading it untill later. ...Maybe I'll read it in the summer when I have more time.
Anyway~ I'm gonna go and watch some more of the D.Gray-man now o/
Today wasn't such a bad day even though school is never fun. I found a new artist who _love_: Shiloh. Her song "Can't hold on" keeps ringing in my head all the time! She's so pretty too ;u;
(sjdupajsdxcasfjdåaeäködhsäfhzs I feel lazy, but I'll just try to update at least something...)
I watched Ghost Hunt and now I'm watching D.Gray-Man for the third time. It's a great anime too ♥ I love Allen and Tykki Mikk (or however you spell his name) aaand Komui is soooo funny ♥♥♥

I'm supposed to read a book for my Finnish course and I'm having some trouble deciding what book should I read. There are a few that I'd love to read, but I can do my essay about only one of them. All of the book are famous and known to be written in a brilliant way; Flowers of Hiroshima, Schindler's list and American Psycho. I'm currently in the favor of reading American Psycho, since the movie about it was so great. Even more amasing visual prodution was Shindler's list, but I'm slowly thinking that I'd rather not read the book for this course. As much as I'm intrested in the second world war, I'd still rather not read about how so many innocent people died just for one man's belief, at least not now. I'm going to assume that the book has nothing amusing about it and it's mostly just depressing and heartbreaking just like the movie was. I'm not saying that the book would be "bad" or "something you shouldn't read", no, not at all; I personally think that it's a book you just _have to_ read. I'm just going to push reading it untill later. ...Maybe I'll read it in the summer when I have more time.

Anyway~ I'm gonna go and watch some more of the D.Gray-man now o/
The party was _LAME_
That was one weird day..
Today was a rough day, because there was a _lot_ of drama at school. I wasn't amused by it at all. Like I like to express my "levels" of anger/sadness/depression:
1. I smile
2. I start panicking
3. I start crying
4. I start yelling
5. I'm yelling & crying
6. After all the tears are just gone and I can't cry anymore, I keep yelling
7. When I've lost my voice I just sit and think about the problem
8. I stop feeling anything
9. I don't care about anything & I laugh at the problem
10. I just laugh
Now I'm at the eight level. I just... can't handle this kind off drama anymore. This is beyond me. Even my parents are telling me to stop trying to help everyone with their problems, 'cause I have my own problems too.
I should focus on other things like I'm going to go to a party on Friday evening/night and I have no idea what I'll wear and how I'll do my hair. I need to start looking up some clothes ans hairstyles today. Makeup I'll do tomorrow. ...oh and focusing on school might be a goos idea too...
1. I smile
2. I start panicking
3. I start crying
4. I start yelling
5. I'm yelling & crying
6. After all the tears are just gone and I can't cry anymore, I keep yelling
7. When I've lost my voice I just sit and think about the problem
8. I stop feeling anything
9. I don't care about anything & I laugh at the problem
10. I just laugh
Now I'm at the eight level. I just... can't handle this kind off drama anymore. This is beyond me. Even my parents are telling me to stop trying to help everyone with their problems, 'cause I have my own problems too.
I should focus on other things like I'm going to go to a party on Friday evening/night and I have no idea what I'll wear and how I'll do my hair. I need to start looking up some clothes ans hairstyles today. Makeup I'll do tomorrow. ...oh and focusing on school might be a goos idea too...
...somethings just won't last forever.
You guys know the feeling when a friend turns on you? Starts acting differently and dumps all of his or her problems on you? Then when you have broke your back trying to save his or her ass from all of that, she still keeps acting like your the source of all of his/her problems, blames you for them and call you a "bitch"?
You know that feeling, right? You don't??
Oh I do. I know that feeling better than I'd like to. Here's the thing: I've had a lot of problmes of my own for the past year now, but I've still not once left this friend of mine alone with her troubles. Last autumn I helped this friend of mine in a way that even I though that was too much for me to handle, but I did it anyway. ...and now what do I hear? She's now saying that I'm a bitch? really? Ths is like a whole new level of screwing with people to me.
Anyway, guess some friendships just won't last forever even though you'd like them to.
I've been sick for the past few days <== the reason haven't updated in a while. Actually i'm still feeling sick and probably should try to go to bed soon. But still need to watch a couple episodes of Ghost Hunt -anime and edit some pictures I took on Sunday. Shibuya Kazuya aka. "Naru/Naru-chan" and Lin/Rin are the best! (I _LOVE_ Narita Ken who's the voice actor for Rin/Lin and Sesshoumaru from InuYasha♥ His voice is amazing!) :''D ♥
You know that feeling, right? You don't??
Oh I do. I know that feeling better than I'd like to. Here's the thing: I've had a lot of problmes of my own for the past year now, but I've still not once left this friend of mine alone with her troubles. Last autumn I helped this friend of mine in a way that even I though that was too much for me to handle, but I did it anyway. ...and now what do I hear? She's now saying that I'm a bitch? really? Ths is like a whole new level of screwing with people to me.
Anyway, guess some friendships just won't last forever even though you'd like them to.
I've been sick for the past few days <== the reason haven't updated in a while. Actually i'm still feeling sick and probably should try to go to bed soon. But still need to watch a couple episodes of Ghost Hunt -anime and edit some pictures I took on Sunday. Shibuya Kazuya aka. "Naru/Naru-chan" and Lin/Rin are the best! (I _LOVE_ Narita Ken who's the voice actor for Rin/Lin and Sesshoumaru from InuYasha♥ His voice is amazing!) :''D ♥
work to do!
I have a lot of work to do; making a video today. It's not a makeup tutorial, but rather just a random video about me and my friends takin pictures and getting ourselves ready for them. WE had a lot of fun and we took a ton of pictures ♥
I'm so glad I can just relax for a while without having the need to read to dozens of exams. : 3 I've decided to dedicate my day for the video, so it would be as great as I possibly can make with my lame Movie Maker. (I really need a better video making program! I should ask my friend if he knows any that are simple to use, but can make good effects.)
So I'm 17 now. I don't feel any different and yesterday didn't feel like my birthday _at all_. I'm guessing it didn't feel like my birthday because of the drama in da house... =___= Someone just doesn't know when to shut up and just leave... That kind off ruined my day, but... Oh well!
Anyway, I'm gonna go make the video now, so I'll update later! o/
P.S here's a few pictures from yesterday! ♥

I'm so glad I can just relax for a while without having the need to read to dozens of exams. : 3 I've decided to dedicate my day for the video, so it would be as great as I possibly can make with my lame Movie Maker. (I really need a better video making program! I should ask my friend if he knows any that are simple to use, but can make good effects.)
So I'm 17 now. I don't feel any different and yesterday didn't feel like my birthday _at all_. I'm guessing it didn't feel like my birthday because of the drama in da house... =___= Someone just doesn't know when to shut up and just leave... That kind off ruined my day, but... Oh well!
Anyway, I'm gonna go make the video now, so I'll update later! o/
P.S here's a few pictures from yesterday! ♥

I don't feel any different. D:
But then again I never do feel different even though I am a year older now. I'm hoping for this to be my _sweet_ seventeen! ♥
My parents kicked me out of the bed at 06.20 am to go and eat cake with them. Not so happy about the annoying wakeup I got up and ate a piece of cake, which was so sweet ♥ Then I wne tback to bed and slept for two hours and then got up again. I had to start getting ready, 'cause my friends are coming over today. : 3 We'll have so much fun! o/
Actually they should be here soon, so I'm gonna go now! : 3 I'm quite sure we'll take a lot of pictures today and I'll put them here later on. ^^
But then again I never do feel different even though I am a year older now. I'm hoping for this to be my _sweet_ seventeen! ♥
My parents kicked me out of the bed at 06.20 am to go and eat cake with them. Not so happy about the annoying wakeup I got up and ate a piece of cake, which was so sweet ♥ Then I wne tback to bed and slept for two hours and then got up again. I had to start getting ready, 'cause my friends are coming over today. : 3 We'll have so much fun! o/
Actually they should be here soon, so I'm gonna go now! : 3 I'm quite sure we'll take a lot of pictures today and I'll put them here later on. ^^
I really, _REALLY_ want a tattoo! I've wanted one for a long time, ever since I was a child. And I also want more piercings! ♥ I can't really tell why, I've just always wanted them.
Currently I have 15 ear piercings (9 on my left ear and 6 on my right ear). If I'm being more precise I have 13 normal ear piercings and two tunnels 12mm each (one in both ears). No matter how labeled the belly piercing is I'm getting one soon. It's just something I want to have. : / Haters gonna hate. Aaaaaaaaand I also want to put dreads back on ;_____; But each time I hate them on the back of my neck starts killing me. : <
Anywayz, today I've read to my English tests a little, but I'm sick of it already. I should read to my biology exam, but I think I'm going to focus on that tomorrow. Today I'm just too lazy for that. Come on it's monday, what did you expect? And I'm actually pretty confident that I know the stuff that I should read already pretty well.
Got my eyes checked today. I'm getting my glasses after a couple weeks from now. : 3 I'll be sure to take pictures as soon as I'll get them.
ANYWAY I think I'll go do other stuff now. (sit-ups and lifting weights is waiting.... *sigh* too tired to go on a walk today)
Currently I have 15 ear piercings (9 on my left ear and 6 on my right ear). If I'm being more precise I have 13 normal ear piercings and two tunnels 12mm each (one in both ears). No matter how labeled the belly piercing is I'm getting one soon. It's just something I want to have. : / Haters gonna hate. Aaaaaaaaand I also want to put dreads back on ;_____; But each time I hate them on the back of my neck starts killing me. : <
Anywayz, today I've read to my English tests a little, but I'm sick of it already. I should read to my biology exam, but I think I'm going to focus on that tomorrow. Today I'm just too lazy for that. Come on it's monday, what did you expect? And I'm actually pretty confident that I know the stuff that I should read already pretty well.
Got my eyes checked today. I'm getting my glasses after a couple weeks from now. : 3 I'll be sure to take pictures as soon as I'll get them.
ANYWAY I think I'll go do other stuff now. (sit-ups and lifting weights is waiting.... *sigh* too tired to go on a walk today)
5 days left before my birthday. I don't have much plans. Friends are going to come over, we're gonna eat cake and I had planned to do a photoshoot. I won't get the glasses probably untill after my birthday. : /
Yesterday I had this idea to try and capture this "emo"-ish feeling on camera, so I played with fakeblood and makeup a little and took some pictures. Was a lovely idea at 00.00 am... ^^' Here's a couple of those pictures:

Today I'm studying for exam again. A piece of me died inside when I lifted my biology books on the table this morning. : < Biology isn't the only subject I need to read; I also need to study for my English exam, which is on Tuesday. I don't feel like reading much to it, so I think I'll just look at some glossary words so that I'll pass. I might do that later today, if I feel like it. Soon I'll continue on studying biology, but I'm taking a break. I already read my notebook and some papers that our teacher gave us. She also gave us a paper in which she explained what things we need to read carefully for the exam, so I'll focus on them.
Tomorrow I'm gatting my eyes checked and luckily my friend Misa promised to go with me. I _should_ study for the English exam the whole day tomorrow, but naah. I'm sure I'll pass the exam even without reading.
P.S If you're extremely bored go check out my deviantART account and my YouTube channel! ♥
Yesterday I had this idea to try and capture this "emo"-ish feeling on camera, so I played with fakeblood and makeup a little and took some pictures. Was a lovely idea at 00.00 am... ^^' Here's a couple of those pictures:

Today I'm studying for exam again. A piece of me died inside when I lifted my biology books on the table this morning. : < Biology isn't the only subject I need to read; I also need to study for my English exam, which is on Tuesday. I don't feel like reading much to it, so I think I'll just look at some glossary words so that I'll pass. I might do that later today, if I feel like it. Soon I'll continue on studying biology, but I'm taking a break. I already read my notebook and some papers that our teacher gave us. She also gave us a paper in which she explained what things we need to read carefully for the exam, so I'll focus on them.
Tomorrow I'm gatting my eyes checked and luckily my friend Misa promised to go with me. I _should_ study for the English exam the whole day tomorrow, but naah. I'm sure I'll pass the exam even without reading.
P.S If you're extremely bored go check out my deviantART account and my YouTube channel! ♥

Yey! It's finally April, which means that summer isn't too far away!! ♥ Happy happy go go~!! ...almost.
Today I don't have to read to any exams! I'm quite pleased with that. I had georaphy exam today and I can't really say too much of it. I personally think it went okay, there were somethings I wasn't sure of and had to guess, but othervise it went well. ...i think. I got it done in an hour, which was good time from me, but I'm still nervous.
I had to run to catch the bus, but I made it. : 33 I was home at 10.35. As soon as I opened the front door I ran to my room, changed my clothes and went for a walk. I was tired, but I just had to force myself to go out. I walked for about 8 km in about 55 minutes, which I think is pretty well. And then when I came back I lifted some weights so that I'd get my arms in a better condition. I was half asleep by now, I was sooooooooooo _tired_. Before I could sleep I still had to take a shower and eat breakfest. So I took a shower and then ate some salad. As soon as I was done eating I went to bed and slept till 14.11. (I kind of made myself a calendar that tells me when I need to take a walk, train my arms or my abs. I wish I'll be able to keep up doing all of that without getting sick of it...)
Now I'm just hanging here at my computer in my pyjamas trying to think of something to do today. I think I'm going to play with my PS2 and 'cause today it's gonna be just me and my mom, so we might play ZUMBA on xbox kinetic. We haven't tried it yet, but it sounds like fun. : )

Now I'm for some weird reason listening to the song "I'll make a man out of you" from the movie Mulan. It's great song. XD It's so nostalgic and so good!! Anyway, I think I'll go change or something. Mom's gonna be home soon, so... : 3
OH OH OH!!! Me and my friend thought of some Disney characters that we resemble!! :''DD We had so much fun!!! (Don't ask me why I'm almost always the bad guy, you need to ask Ida, Mirva, Kata & Krista for that XD) Here are some of them:
The Little Mermaid:
LUSHI- Ursula
Krista- King Triton
Kati- Flounder
Mirva- some plant (don't ask, don't know)
Ida- Floatsam (or Jetsam, not sure which if "Kiero")
Sleeping Beauty:
LUSHI- Maleficent
Krista- Fauna, the green fairy
Kati- Merryweather, the blue fairy
Mirva- Flora, the red fairy
Ida- prince Phillip's horse (yeah, a horse. Don't ask.)
The Lion King:
Krista- Shenzi
Kati- Banzai
Mirva- Ed
Ida- Rafiki
LUSHI- Hades
Krista- Pain
Kati- Pannic
Mirva- Philoctetes/Phil
Ida- Megara
Beauty and the Beast:
LUSHI- Lumière
Krista- Belle
Kati- Cogsworth
Mirva- Cup
Ida- the Beast
LUSHI- Rasputin
Krista- Anastasia
Kati- Dimitri
Mirva- Bartok
Ida- Marie Feodorovna
There were like a million others too, but this blog is already way too long. XD
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