Alright so for this week I promised to update you guys on how this diet is going so without further blabbering let's just get into it. The fifth week is almost over and after this there still one more week left. The mentality for this diet by now is pretty much having to fight through the meals. You simply can't eat something all the time and so often without getting sick of it. And I am so sick of eating these foods... That's been the hardest part of this diet. Training four times a week hasn't been as difficult as I originally thought it would be. Though I do have to admit that as a person who hasn't done any kind of training or sports in general for that matter for about four to five years, training four times a week is a bit rough, but not impossible.
I have noticed a difference in how I see my body/endurance since the start of the diet. Or at least I've heard from people around me that they can tell that I've been working out and eating differently. I'm very satisfied even though I myself don't see a HUGE difference. The fact that I can't see a huge difference though is probably simply because I see myself in the mirror multiple times a day so that makes it hard to see my body developing slowly as I train. So next week is still left to try to survive with these strict rules and then after that the my diet will probably change more towards the normal and the training and working out will probably change from four times a week to three.
Sen kunniaksi että nyt on tehty tällasta elämäntapa muutosta tällasen dietin muodossa niin ajattelin haastaa itseni myös käyttämään hameita useammin tulevaisuudessa. Oon aina jotenki tykänny pitää housuja enemmän ku hameita, vaikka mulla muutamia tosi kivoja hameita onki. Otin sitte härkää sarvista kiinni ja tilasin itelle tosi kivan näkösen mustan keinonahka hameen. Hameella oli hintaa noin 12$ ja se oli kyllä hyvä ostos. Mulla on jo mielessä monta asukokonaisuutta mitä sen hameen kanssa vois laittaa! Ja olin tosi yllättyny ku tykkäsin miltä se myös näytti päällä.
In honor of changing my lifestyle a bit with this diet I decided to challenge myself to wear skirts more often. I've always liked wearing pants more than skirts even though I do have so really cute skirts in my closet. I grabbed the bull by the horns and ordered a really nice looking black pleather skirt. The skirt was about 12$ and it was a really good purchase. I already have multiple outfits planned to go with that skirt! And I was really surprised by how much I liked how the skirt looked on.
Eilen mut riivas joku "No way, that doesn't look all too cool... Let's try that!" -piru ja ajattelin että kokeilen saaha pähään kaks oikein pörröstä nutturaa. No... Vasten kaikkea logiikkaa onnistuin kuin onnistuinki väsäämään kaksi palloa itelleni päähän. Olin niin ylpeä itestäni... :'D Pari tuntia sen jälkeen ku olin Keelan kanssa skypessä höpöttäny niin tulin siihen tulokseen että mää tykkäsin siitä hiustyylistä. : D
Yesterday I was possessed by some "No way. that doesn't look all too cool... Let's try that!" -devil and I decided to try to make two fluffy buns from my hair. Well.. Against all logic I succeeded in creating two balls of hair onto my head. I was so proud of myself... :'D After a couple hours of blabbering with Keela on skype I came to the conclusion that I actually liked liked that hairstyle. : D
Hiuksista puheenollen. Uusin värin näistä mun latvoista tiistaina ja käytin nyt sitä Tulip väriä sen Rubine värin kanssa, joista sanoin viime viikolla. Tästä väristä tuli vähän erilainen ku mikä se oli aikasemmin, mutta mää tykkään tästäki. : )
Speaking of hair. I re-dyed the ends of my hair on Tuesday and I used the Tulip color mixed with the Rubine, which I talked about last week. This color is a bit different from the color I had before, but I like it. : )
Tänään mää kokeilen tuota superliimaa (ripsiliimaa jossa on vitamiineja ja joka ei sisällä latexia), jonka ei pitäis ärsyttää silmiä. Oon nyt ollu pari viikkoa käyttämättä tekoripsiä ja antanu silmien rauhottua siitä ärsytyksestä. Kerron sitten ens viikolla että reagoiko mun silmät tähänki liimaan (tosissani toivon että ei). Nyt oon sit kompensoinu tähän asti ripsien puutetta eyelinerilla ja luomiväreillä ja seki on ollu ihan hyvää vaihtelua. : D
Today I'm going to try the superglue (eyelashglue with vitamins, which is latex free), which shouldn't irritate the eyes. I haven't been wearing lashes for a couple weeks now to let the irritation heal up. I'll report back on did the glue work without irritation or not next week (I really hope this will not irritate my eyes). So for I've been compensating the lack of lashes with eyeliner and eyeshadows and I guess that's been a nice little change too. : D
Well then, that's all I got for this week. See you next week!!
Bye bye <3
Ei millään pahalla, mutta saat telttani nousemaan.