Yoooo friends! Soon January is over and it feels like the year changed last week. Damn..But I'm glad that Spring is coming and with it new stuff and things. ; ) I have more things to talk about this week than last week including finally the new contact lenses.
Mietin että voisin mainita muutaman sanan kans taas näistä mun hiuksista, tällä kertaa tän värin ylläpitämisestä kun kerran huomasin että nyt telkkarissaki mainostetaan värejä jolla vois tehä ombren "helpommin" ite omiin hiuksiin. Mää värjäsin tän mun ombren tosiaan sillon viime kesänä ja siitä asti tää on mulla ollu. Tän ylläpitäminen (väristä riippuen!) voi mun mielestä olla yllättävän hankalaaki. Ite oon huomannu että juurikasvun värjääminen mustalla on pieni haaste jos en halua värjätä myös ombrea pois. Huomattavasti helpompi olis sellanen ombre että on juuresta vaaleat ja latvoista sitten tummemmat hiukset. Sillon juurikasvun värjääminenkään ei niin pahoin sotke. Tai sitten niin että on juuresta tumma mutta latvatkaan ei oo mitkään super kirkkaat tai vaalean väriset.
Mää ite värjään juuret aina sellasella sinimustalla kestovärillä ja latvat Directionsin väreillä, joilla mää värjäsin sillon sen mun ruskeahko-blondin punaseksi. Ja mulla sillon ku joudun värjään juuret niin monesti käy niin että vaikka ite värjäyksessä ei väriä menekään punasen päälle niin usein ku pesen sen värin pois niin se leviää myös punaselle ja tummentaa sitä aina vähän, vaikka kuinka oon koittanu suojata. Että jos on tosi vaaleat latvat, niin sit jollaki mustalla juurien värjääminen voi olla vähän haaste jos ei halua latvojen tummenevan.
I thought I'd talk a bit about my hair, this time about keeping up the color since I noticed that they are now advertising on TV hair-dyes that are supposed to make it "easier" for you to dye your hair ombre. So I dyed my hair ombre last Summer and I've had it since. Keeping this up (depending on the color!) can be surprisingly difficult in my opinion. I myself have noticed that dyeing my roots with black dye is a bit of a challenge if I don't want to also dye away my ombre. I think it would be so much easier to have an ombre where your roots are light and the ends are darker. Then dyeing your roots wouldn't mess it up as bad. Or you could also have your roots dark but ends also dyed with colors that aren't super vibrant or bright.
I myself dye my roots with a permanent blue-toned black dye and the ends of my hair with Directions semi-permanent dyes, the ones I used to dye the brunet-blondish color to this red. And when I have to dye my roots often the result is that even if I don't in the initial dyeing process mess up the color into the red part, the black dye will "bleed" in the shower when I wash it off and stain the red part apparently no matter how well I thought I had protected the red areas. So if you have very light-colored (bright colored) ends you might have some trouble dyeing the roots if you use black colored dye unless you want your ends to get darker.
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With flash |
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Without flash (+ terrible lighting) |
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PS New hairdye on the left (Directions Tulip) on the right the color that I've been using now (Rubine). We'll see how my ends turn out when using the new color... |
Then I could talk about the contact lenses! So the lenses came to me in the mail a few weeks ago. I ordered them from a website called pinkyparadise. They cost (including the shipping) a bit over 20€ and they came in about two weeks after I ordered the. The usage-time for the lenses is one year. The lenses don't have prescription. I got to try them on last weekend. These lenses have a tight net-looking thing so they're not solid-color white. Because they have the net you can see with these on.These are 14.5mm size lenses so they are a bit bigger than my own iris. I'd say your vision is about 60-70% for your normal vision so you can see pretty well with these THOUGH UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU DRIVE A CAR, ETC WITH THESE ON.
Mutta tässä on vähän kuvia siitä mitä suunnittelin, video siitä mitä sit lopulta tein ja sit vähän kuvia mitä otin. : )
I drew some stuff after a long time and the drawing then inspires me to make a video using the contacts. It was nice to make a video since for once I had actually planned a little bit ahead what I would do. The only bump on the road with the planning and making was that I had made myself two pairs of fake-eyelashes for my upper and lower eyelids, but I couldn't use them. My eyes are still somewhat irritated and looks like the skin around my eyes has an allergic reaction (the rest of the skin on my face has absolutely no reaction to the glue at all) at least to the glue that I'm currently using. Now as a precaution I'm not using lashes and I'm waiting to get a glue that I ordered which is meant for sensitive eyes if that would be the solution to this problem.
But here's some pictures of the planning, a video of what I then did and pictures that I took of it. : )
'cause blogger does not cooperate with me here's a link to the video I made:
***Spirit of North***
Sitten vielä pakko mainita tämä ihanan ihana neule joka tuli postissa. Oon aivan rakastunu tähän. Tää on jotenki niin iso ja söpö ja lämmin ja aaaah ihan paras. : D <3 Tykkään nyt tähän aikaan vuodesta käyttää tällasia vaatteita jotka on oikein pehmeitä ja lämpimiä.
And I have to mention this lovely lovely cardigan that I got in the mail. I've fallen in love with it. This just so big and cute and warm and ahhh the best. : D <3 I love wearing this type pieces that are soft and warm this time of the year.
Alright! That's it for this week! See you next week!! I'll probably update again next week how the diet has been going so far!
Bye bye! <3
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