I love that it's cold outside! Seriously! I have been waiting for the proper Winter to hit for soooo long and now finally I got it! Trees and everything are covered in frost and the air outside smells so good. : ) <3 Finally!
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an old picture of da gang |
Eilen oli ihana kun vietettiin minä, Kata ja Keela tyttöjen ilta. Katottiin sellanen elokuva kun Prisoners, joka oli tosi hyvä! Nyt on vähän taas haikea olo ku Keela lähtee takasin Skotlantiin tässä huomenna, mutta onneksi ehittiin pitää hauskaa porukalla ennen ku se lähti! Keväämmällä sitte uusiksi! ; ) <3
Yesterday was awesome because me, Kata and Keela had a girl's night. We watched a movie called Prisoners, which was really really good! Now I'm feeling a bit bummed out since Keela is going back to Scotland for some time and she leaves tomorrow, but I'm clad we got to have a fun night before she left! We'll have to do that again sometime later in the Spring! ; ) <3
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Breakfast |
But now on to other things. First off continuation to the diet thing I mentioned last week: still going strong. The whole protein-filled-food is kind of starting to reach it's limits for me (as in I'm getting tired of eating it), but otherwise everything's been okay. We've been to the gym and it's been really nice to go there especially when there's not a lot of other ppl there. I don't know has there been any change when it comes to my weight but honestly that hasn't really been a thing of interest for me lately. I've noticed that since the diet is very different from my usual eating habits that unfortunately I feel nauseous quite a bit every now and then.
Anyway I got a new dress in the mail, to which I had to make some changes as soon as I got it. It had a zipper in the back which was already broken when I got the dress and I didn't want to return the dress since it took so long to get here. At first I wasn't sure if I should buy a new zipper and just sow that in there or what, so later on I decided that what the hell the dress would look pretty with an open-back too. So I took the zipper out and sew new seams in the back to make the back look finished. The dress was/is otherwise really cute and pretty. : )
Muita jutskia mitä tuli tässä on 3 perukkitelinettä, piilarit ja uusia alaripsiä (teko). En oo vielä niitä ripsiä tai piilareita ehtiny kokeileen kun onnistuin munaamaan vähän ja nyt ei kärsi silmiä meikata ollenkaan. Onnistuin ku hieroin silmiä raapasemaan ihoa pois luomelta niin nyt on luomet ymmärrettävästi niin ärtyneet ettei tohdi meikkailla. En halua että vahingossakaan kusen oman näön tai jotaki muuta yhtä mukavaa sen takia. : D Varmaan vielä viikon päivät menee ennen ku kehtaan meikata, jos ei vielä enemmänki. Sitten kun vaan pystyn niin meinaan heti testata molempia tuotteita ja piilareista varmaan sitten tulee kans videoki (näytän ne sit myöhemmin ku testaan niitä et millaset ne on).
Other stuff that came in the mail was 3 wig-stands, contact-lenses and some lower lashes (fake). I haven't tried the lashes or the contacts yet since I managed to mess up a bit and now I can't put makeup on my eyelids. I succeeded in damaging my eyelids when I rubbed then and somehow managed to scratch a bit of skin off. So understandably I won't put on makeup for as long as the eyelids are irritated and not healed completely. I don't want to mess up my vision or something as nice as that because of this. : D It'll probably take a week or so for me to dare to put on makeup if not longer. When I can I'll test out both products and I'll probably make a video of some sorts (I'll show how the contacts look when I test them out).
And to finish this one off here's some wig-lovin'. Oh dear lord I love them!!! At this moment I own 8 wigs and then I believe I have one derp wig left from like middle school times that's buried somewhere deep in my closet.
See you next week! Bye bye!! <3
Oot ehkä maailman sulosin tossa mekossa! ♥
VastaaPoistaAww voi kiitos!!!! ;---; ♥
PoistaHerraisä tuo mekko ja sinä siinä *o*.
VastaaPoistaTuo mekko on kyllä aivan älyttömän ihana! ; ) ja kiitos! ;--; <3
Poistatoi mekko ja sinä <3 hyvältä näyttää! :)
VastaaPoistaKiitos serkkurakas ; ) <3