
Fire it up

Ugh, I'm tired! The new period started yesterday and oh it's making school twice as annoying... Today, even though it's Friday I'm ten times more tired than I've been in a long time.

This week I actually have some pictures to share with you, though no new video. It's been an odd week since I had Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off from school. Like I promised I did get a couple decent pictures, but not much. Also, my pink hair stopped co-operating with me so bye bye pink, welcome red! I didn't think I would've had to change the color so soon, but my roots a getting bad and the pink was malfunctioning 90% of the time. 
No makeup derp

I really do prefer having red hair. I just think it suits me so much better! The dye that I used over the pink is like always by Directions, and in color "Fire". This is a really nice red and I doubt that it will fade to orange since, after all my hair under this red is pink. 


For today and partially Saturday too I'm watching after my aunt's dog "Elli". I have to keep her in my room this whole time, excluding of course when I take her to a walk, because our boys.... our damn boys can't keep their paws to themselves, nor their noses. Elli is small fluffy and white, our boys are big, drooling, black hunt dogs... Not a good combo to let hang out together freely. 
So right now we have 3 dogs running around this house. Awesome. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is washing Elli after taking her out for a walk. Autumn is on full power here and there's mud and other crap everywhere. And her fur is white..... : ) And she's tiny.... : ) Yay... : ))))
My boys Bono and Elvis
So yeah... Fun times ahead. <3 : DDD

Still haven't bought any new pieces of clothing... : < I desperately need new stuff!!! I did get 2 shirts as a "souvenir" from my mom when she went to see my sister in Helsinki last weekend. One of the shirts is in the pictures above. 
I really should do something about this problem soon... XD

And to end this update here's a few songs that are just at this very moment awesome. <3

2 kommenttia:

  1. derppadee kommentoin suomeksi koska YOLO.

    millä tavalla se pinkki ei toiminu? : < ainaki meikästä se näytti hyvältä ku nähtiin sillon öööö keskiviikkona! : )
    mutta ah nuo punaset hiukset <3 tullee mieleen pre-dp ku sulla oli se lipservicen takki ja ne hiukset!

    ja nyt tiijjät miltä musta tuntuu aina Tuiskun kans syksysin :''D


  2. Yolo Keela D: You so brave.

    Sei vaa jotenki iskeny mulle itelle silmään nii hyvin ku luulin. : ( Mutta nää punaset on ihanat nii <3

    Helvetin Elli.... Damn dog doesn't know what it wants!!!!!
