All of my exams for the time being are now over and dealt with = no huge stress all the time! Such a relief... But hey, since I changed the language into English from Finnish just for the sake of the exams do you want me to change it back? If there are no comments on the matter I'll just keep writing in English and might occasionally change into Finnish. Writing in either is not a problem and I really don't mind writing in either language.
Odd color
I noticed that I haven't had any time to actually take good pictures with my "new" hair color. I have a few days off from school so now I'm trying to accomplish a few decent pictures for you guys. Amazingly my hair is growing out at the speed of light compared to the snail-like-slowness it grew a while back. Sure it's a good thing in that sense that I really want to grow out my hair (it hasn't been long in almost 6 years), but this also means roots.... ROOTS, ROOTS & MORE ROOTS!!!! For a week it didn't look bad that my naturally rather dark brown hair was starting to show up but now that my roots are starting to really show it's getting extremely annoying. I'll try to maintain my desire to get rid of them by bleaching my hair (because I have killed it again and it needs rest), but soon it will happen. I did think of changing the color too (not to the pale pink). I miss my blue hair.... ;--; so much! It wouldn't be a huge hassle to get it either from this color. Before I get to that I'll need to up my current color because it is fading away quick and the color of it now is not a real pink but some odd orangeish/pinkish mix. Might turn this into a bright ass red while re-dying this as I'm deep-conditioning.
I guess we'll just have to wait and find out what happens next! :'D
Enough about the hair for now. This week I found a few little things that are, for me, just fun to have in case I feel inspired by something. I got this ridiculously pink and fluffy pen from my mom as a joke and I wasn't planning on ever using it to anything, but then I found and old notebook that my sister had used a long time ago which was still almost empty. I took the pages out that my sister had used and stacked them safely into the other school crap she still has "at home" (here and not where she actually lives now days). Thinking I'd always find use for empty notebooks I brought it downstairs and sure enough I immediately found it useful!
A notebook where to write all things that inspired me during a day so that I won't forget them when I need inspiration! Might sound stupid, unnecessary and ridiculous to some, but for me having a notebook like that is useful. Though it might not seem that way, my imagination is wild and untamed, flying freely where ever it likes when ever it likes. From sadness and death to sunshine and rainbows, switching for one to another faster than I can sometimes keep up should I try to just remember it all.
So a little notebook that isn't heavy or space consuming is a fantastic weapon to keep my thoughts alive so that one day when I don't know what to write about to or to do I have dozens of ideas just waiting to emerge into this life. And just for the kicks I decided to try and write everything to that notebook with that thing I should call a pen. Makes it funner looking while swinging out this huge pink fluff.
Oh and I'm back into gaming now..... Gah my passion for games woke up just before my math exam and now I seriously need some new games. Letting out all the crap in my head to Flyff is getting tiring... XD
And I need new clothes.... I have a list of things I should go and try on/buy but I'm too lazy to get my ass to Oulu in order to get all the new stuff I need. *sigh* I have to get a grip by the start of next week.
Alrighty then~ I guess that's about it and I'll see you next week!!! If I happen to post a new vid this weekend I'll try and mention it here before next week. : )
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