It's been 13 years since Hideto Matsumoto aka. hide (X Japan) passed away. (...and look who's almost crying... DAMN IT!!!) hide was such a legend! I can't get over his death even though I was only four years old when he died. X Japan was the very first Japanese band I ever listened to and I loved hide the most. You want to start commenting on hide's death being suicide? Go do that somewhere else, okay? No need to get me angry, now is there? *listening to hide's song "MISERY"*
Aaaand after ten years someone shot and killed Osama Bin Laden? Personally I find that news great. Didn't like the guy very much... Much like the most people didn't.
I was out the whole weekend having fun with my friends. Unfortunately my movie maker is a total bitch and refuses to work, so I can't finish the video I was supposed to make about our day in Oulu. *sigh* I tried 5 times to make it but it just simply doesn't work. I think I'll try doing it once more this week. I do have a few pictures for you though:

Me in my "costume"

The "gang"

Me & Kata
I should be trying to write something down so I won't completely fail tomorrow on my Swedish class, but I'll do that latter. Got more important things to do now; like getting a candle and making a small prayer for hide... ♥ I miss him so bad!!!
Aaaaand I also have to do 40 more sit-ups today~
Aaaaand watch KHR more. And I should probably also mentally prepare myself for tomorrow, 'cause tuesday is the most annoying day of the week for me currently (08.15-16.00 school and no breaks + my dad can't give me a ride home so I need to take the traffic bus...)
Mie puutun jengistä. sniif :'<
VastaaPoistasää kuulut aina jengiin ♥