One: I needed to start selecting courses for my next year today and almost every course was already full or was in a place, where I already had another course. I'm extremely frustrated. I need to talk to the counselor of my class and ask her that is it possible to put me in a course that's already full. Even the teachers warned us that the second year is usually the hardest and they weren't kidding. I'm already miserable and there's still over 3 months before the second year starts. I'm not even finished with the first year and I'm already banging my head to a wall!
Two: My absolute hate towards my hair just got worse. I've been thinking about cutting it short, but then I found some really, really neat pictures of my hair from the last summer. I have no idea why I ruined my hair by cutting it so much. I _hate_ my current hair. I should cut it so that it would grow out more healthy, but I think I'll wait until the summer break. But that hair that I had last summer was amazing. And the makeup that I wore everyday was so good too! I _need_ to go back to that style again. Here's a picture of the hair/makeup that I had back in the summer of 2010:

Three: I have a math test _AGAIN_ tomorrow and I'm not prepaired. The things we'll be asked tomorrow are the things I'm not too good with, so I'll be dead after the test. Also I've had my speach on monday on my Finnish class and today I had to write an essay about my opion about a subject that we were allowed to choose freely (I wrote about my opion about smoking in public and the damage it causes to the smoker and to the people surrounding him [sorry for all the people who smoke, but I personally don't approve it.{doesn't mean that I wouldn't like you as a person though}]).
Four: Only this and the next week left before the exams start again. --And I feel like I've learned _nothing_... I'm so dead..!
*sigh* I think I'll go take a shower now. I'm too frustrated to keep writing... : (
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