I'm having fun even though I should be having fun but rather killing my brains while reading for my Swedish test that's tomorrow, but naaah. I'm watching smosh from youtube and amusing myself with the series "Ghosthunters" or "TAPS" or whatever you call it. I also watched two movies today: "The Blair witch project" and "The book os shadows: Blait witch project 2". I didn't like the second one, it was just too odd. The first was good I guess. Nothing much happened but since I was waiting for something to jump out all the time it was exciting and even though it ended weirdly I think it was a good ending and made you just want to see more. I wish they'd do a sequal where they would show what happened to the people in the first movie, but no such luck yet. I have no idea that is the first movie really based on a true story, but it was interesting. I searched that was is based on a true story or not but didn't find out anything. Some pages made it sound like it is but some just said it is only a fictional movie. The legacy of the Blair wtich is fairly cool though and I advise you to check it out if you're interested in that kind off stuff like I am (still all in love with paranormal stuff and all~♥)
I reeeeeeally should read to the test... ^^' There are like 70 words that I should know and some paragraphs. I'll _try_ to study them latter today. Aaaaaaargh I also have my speach tomorrow!!! I'm a bit nervous. The guy who is going to judge my speach is someone I don't know at all and I think that he doesn't like me and is going to give me really bad points for it.
Oh and yesterday good things happened. ^^ One is something that I'm not gonig to tell you about, 'cause it would be mean but I can tell you that I'm very, very pleased. Now I'm not quite sure when this thing happened but as soon as I heard the news I was all like: oh...hell YES! ---but enough about that one thing that I'm not going to tell you about! ^^ I mad a cake for my mom and it ended up looking quite good (sorry I don't have a picture of it ;__;). Mom promised me that she'll buy me a corset if I'll find one that's at least "okay" quality and that doesn't cost too much. I found a couple already aaand I'm going to show them latter to her and we'll buy one. ^^ I got some pictures that don't look so horrible that I'd feel like shooting myself. ^^ Aaaaand I found some long lost episodes of "House" from our recorder! AAAAAAAAAAAND I got icecream *www*
That's about all of the good things! : DD
Sure tomorrow being monday is annoying me, but meh, it's okay!!! 'cause Elina is going to come over next weekend!!! ♥
Anywaaay here are the two pictures I took ^^

P.S My KHR re-run has slowed down a lot XD But I've decided that it's okay and I'll watch the Ghosthunters season 7 and then go back to the KHR. ^^ (okay the ghosthunters season 7 isn't finished yet, but I'll watch the episodes that have been aired so far)
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