Huh huh, olipa jännä päivä. :'D Aamulla oli se kamala matikan koe, joka ei menny aivan putkeen ja sitte matikan kokeen jälkeen Kata tuli meille! Meillä oli ihan älyttömän hauskaa!!!
Ekaksi ku tultiin jouduttiin siivoamaan Bonon (nuorempi koira) ku se oli syöny järkyytävän määrän pahvilaatikoita palasiksi. Sitte me alettiinki laittaan ruokaa ja siinä säädettiin sen kanssa jonku aikaa. Ku olitiin syöty me tultiin ja kuunneltiin vähän aikaa BigBang:iä, sekä katottiin tosi hauskoja videoita, milel naurettiin niin makeasti ettei mitään rajaa! :'3
Seuraavana sitten siirrettiinki pleikkari olohuoneeseen ja alettiin pelaan Fatal Frame 3:sta. On siinä sen verran tylsä se alku, että uni meinas tulla ja loppujen lopuksi me vaan yhtäkiä kesken pelin päätettiinki siirtyä takas koneelle ettimään elokuvia ja kattomaan Amnesia the Dark Descent:iä Youtubesta. Sitte hoksattiin käyä laittamassa olohuoneesta peli kiinni ja päätettiin sitte pelata Amnesiaa, ku mulla se sattuu konella olemaan ja se meän pelaaminen meni vähän tähän tyyliin:
"kuulikko sää ton äänen...?"
".....en ?! D: MINKÄ ÄÄNEN?!??!?!"
"i don't want to play it anymoreeee !"
"...mikä on sanity tilanne..?"
"slight headache"
"oh good, we can do this."
Oli aivan sairaan hauskaa!!!!! ♥ Vaikka se peli onki melkosen pelottava XDD Ei sen kattominen Youtubesta tunnu missään, mutta sitte ku oikeasti pelaa nii huh huh!
Luonnollisesti kans naurettiin Youtubessa videoille, jossa sitä peliä pelataan niin että kommenttiraita kuuluu päällä.
Oli kyllä niin hyvä päivä, että ei mitään rajaa ♥
P.S Lukion 1.vuosi ohi!!!!!!
Voi voi
Tähän aikaan illasta ei enää hirveästi tuo ruotsin lukeminen tunnu hyvältä idealta. Eikä se kyllä tuntunut sen paremmaltakaan idealta tänään aikasemminkaa. Ei vaan jaksa millään enää yrittää lukea kokeisiin. Onneksi on enää 2 jäljellä! Huomenna sitte pitää kyllä oikeasti lukea ja ruotsin kirjasta vois tehä kertaustehtäviäki. Taaskaan ei oikein kiinnosta ollenkaan mitä saan numeroksi, kunhan vaan pääsen kokeesta läpi.
Matikan koe ois sitte tiistaina ja siihen alan harjotteleen joko huomenna tai maanantaina. Onneksi musta tuntuu kuitenki että tällä kurssilla oon tajunnuki muutamia asioita niin ei oo niin kamala paniikki sen kanssa.
Voi voi... Ei vaan haluta lukea kokeisiin yhtään!!!! Oon jo ihan kunnolla kesäloma fiiliksissä. Tänäänki oli vaan nini yksinkertaisen ihana sää, että olin jo ihan unohtanu että ylihuomenna ois taas koulua. : ( Tänään sato aamulla ihan kaatamalla niin oli mukavan raikkaan ja kesäisen tuoksunen ilma ja Elinan kanssa sitä ihasteltiinki aika paljon. ♥
Elinan kanssa oli ihan älyttömän hauskaa taas kerran ja naurettiin ihan vajokkeina taas tosi tyhmille jutuille ja sitte aamuyöstä puhuttiinki jo niin syvällisiä että huh huh; mm. oudoista miehistä ja existä, kuinka ihmisillä on outoja käsityksiä toisista, maailman lopusta, uskonnoista, rahan käytöstä, vanhempien kunnioittamisesta, salaliittoteorioista ja vaikka mistä muista asioista. :''DDD Sitte kans katottiin sitä Amnesia pelin walkthroughta YouTubesta ja kiljuttiin aina ku mkuulu jotaki ihmeellisiä ääniä ja näky outoja olioita. : 3
AI NIIN JOO ELINA KANS LEIKKAS MUN HIUKSET! : D nyt mulla on aika lyhyet hiukset tuolta takaa ku mulla oli nyt tätä ennen sillee yli olkapäiden pitunen takapiiska. XD
Tänään sitte ku Elina lähti niin katoin ite sen Amnesian loppuun asti ja sitte palasin takas KHR mangan, Bleaching ja One Piecen pariin. Sitte iltaa vasten piti menä käymään vielä lenkillä ku oli vaan nini uskomattoman ihana ilma. : ) Nyt sitte istuskelen tässä ja kuuntelen BigBangiä pitkästä aikaa. Ruotsin kirja odottelee tuossa vieressä, että jatkaisin lukemista, mutta saa kyllä odottaa huomiseen asti.
Otin kuvan nyt ku on hiukset leikattu, mutta en oo varma että kuinka hyvän käsityksen niistä saa tästä kuvasta, mutta nooooooooh. : DDD
Matikan koe ois sitte tiistaina ja siihen alan harjotteleen joko huomenna tai maanantaina. Onneksi musta tuntuu kuitenki että tällä kurssilla oon tajunnuki muutamia asioita niin ei oo niin kamala paniikki sen kanssa.
Voi voi... Ei vaan haluta lukea kokeisiin yhtään!!!! Oon jo ihan kunnolla kesäloma fiiliksissä. Tänäänki oli vaan nini yksinkertaisen ihana sää, että olin jo ihan unohtanu että ylihuomenna ois taas koulua. : ( Tänään sato aamulla ihan kaatamalla niin oli mukavan raikkaan ja kesäisen tuoksunen ilma ja Elinan kanssa sitä ihasteltiinki aika paljon. ♥
Elinan kanssa oli ihan älyttömän hauskaa taas kerran ja naurettiin ihan vajokkeina taas tosi tyhmille jutuille ja sitte aamuyöstä puhuttiinki jo niin syvällisiä että huh huh; mm. oudoista miehistä ja existä, kuinka ihmisillä on outoja käsityksiä toisista, maailman lopusta, uskonnoista, rahan käytöstä, vanhempien kunnioittamisesta, salaliittoteorioista ja vaikka mistä muista asioista. :''DDD Sitte kans katottiin sitä Amnesia pelin walkthroughta YouTubesta ja kiljuttiin aina ku mkuulu jotaki ihmeellisiä ääniä ja näky outoja olioita. : 3
AI NIIN JOO ELINA KANS LEIKKAS MUN HIUKSET! : D nyt mulla on aika lyhyet hiukset tuolta takaa ku mulla oli nyt tätä ennen sillee yli olkapäiden pitunen takapiiska. XD
Tänään sitte ku Elina lähti niin katoin ite sen Amnesian loppuun asti ja sitte palasin takas KHR mangan, Bleaching ja One Piecen pariin. Sitte iltaa vasten piti menä käymään vielä lenkillä ku oli vaan nini uskomattoman ihana ilma. : ) Nyt sitte istuskelen tässä ja kuuntelen BigBangiä pitkästä aikaa. Ruotsin kirja odottelee tuossa vieressä, että jatkaisin lukemista, mutta saa kyllä odottaa huomiseen asti.
Otin kuvan nyt ku on hiukset leikattu, mutta en oo varma että kuinka hyvän käsityksen niistä saa tästä kuvasta, mutta nooooooooh. : DDD
huh huh
Vielä 3 koetta: äikkä, ruotsi ja matikka. Kemian ja psykologian koe on nyt ohi ja molemmat meni oikeastaan aivan täysin päin helvettiä. : )
Noh huomenna olis äikän koe ja ruotsin preppaus. Oon tänään kirjottanu jo sen kokeen teknisesti valmiiksi, kirjotan sen huomenna vaan uuestaan oikealle koe paperille kokeen aikana.
Pitäis alkaa ettiin vaatteita huomiselle tai muuten joutuu herään aamulla taas ihan sika aikasin että ehin neki kattoa.
Aaaaanyway, sain Katekyo Hitman Rebornin katottua tänään loppuun. Oli kyllä taas inhottava tunne ku sarja tuli katottua loppuun asti. : ( Toivottavasti siihen tulee lisää jaksoja ku sitä mangaaki on vissiin nyttullu aika reippaasti lisää, ainaki tarpeeksi uudelle tuotankaudelle. Otin eilisen ja tämän päivän aikana Bleach manganki kiinni ja nyt oon taas ajan tasalla siinä. One Piece animenki otin kiinni ja nyt katon sitä alusta ja katon kans Bleachin jaksoja, mitä en oo vielä kattonu. Tässä on ollu melkonen sekasorto ku katoin 3 sarjaa yhtäaikaa ja luin vielä mangaaki samalla... XD ---ja "luin" kokeisiin.
Luffy on vaa nii lutunen ♥ pitäis kyllä ottaa One Piece mangaki tässä pikku hiljaa kiinni... ja oon unohtanu kokonaan Fairy Tail:in. D: Sitäkään kattonu _piiiitkään_ aikaan tai löukenu mangana. : ( Noh jos sitte kesälomalla sais senki otettua kiinni. Ja sitte tosiaan se Kaleido Star... ^^
Huomenna sitte Elinan ois tarkotus suunnata tänne. : 3 ...jaaa sitte lauantaina pitää taas alottaa lukemaan kokeisiin ;____; koska oon ihan onneton ruotsissa ja matikassa... *sigh*
Huomasin kans että oon ihan PA. D: Ärsyttää ihan sairaasti. Okei joo ens kuun kuukausiraha tulee sillee suht kohta, mutta siihenki kuitenki menee jonku aikaa ja sitte siihen taas että tulee töistä eka palkka menee 3 ja puoli viikkoa, mikä on _pitkä_ aika mulle. Sillonki tulee vasta puolet palkasta, mutta sei kyllä haittaa.
Olispa jo heinäkuu! Meillä on ollu tässä vähän suunnitelmissa lähteä käymään Lontoossa kesällä, mutta en kyllä tiiä vielä ihan varmasti että mennäänkö vai ei. Se ois kyllä ihan sika siistiä! Ei olla ees käyty ulkomailla pitkään aikaa : ss
Noh huomenna olis äikän koe ja ruotsin preppaus. Oon tänään kirjottanu jo sen kokeen teknisesti valmiiksi, kirjotan sen huomenna vaan uuestaan oikealle koe paperille kokeen aikana.
Pitäis alkaa ettiin vaatteita huomiselle tai muuten joutuu herään aamulla taas ihan sika aikasin että ehin neki kattoa.
Aaaaanyway, sain Katekyo Hitman Rebornin katottua tänään loppuun. Oli kyllä taas inhottava tunne ku sarja tuli katottua loppuun asti. : ( Toivottavasti siihen tulee lisää jaksoja ku sitä mangaaki on vissiin nyttullu aika reippaasti lisää, ainaki tarpeeksi uudelle tuotankaudelle. Otin eilisen ja tämän päivän aikana Bleach manganki kiinni ja nyt oon taas ajan tasalla siinä. One Piece animenki otin kiinni ja nyt katon sitä alusta ja katon kans Bleachin jaksoja, mitä en oo vielä kattonu. Tässä on ollu melkonen sekasorto ku katoin 3 sarjaa yhtäaikaa ja luin vielä mangaaki samalla... XD ---ja "luin" kokeisiin.
Luffy on vaa nii lutunen ♥ pitäis kyllä ottaa One Piece mangaki tässä pikku hiljaa kiinni... ja oon unohtanu kokonaan Fairy Tail:in. D: Sitäkään kattonu _piiiitkään_ aikaan tai löukenu mangana. : ( Noh jos sitte kesälomalla sais senki otettua kiinni. Ja sitte tosiaan se Kaleido Star... ^^
Huomenna sitte Elinan ois tarkotus suunnata tänne. : 3 ...jaaa sitte lauantaina pitää taas alottaa lukemaan kokeisiin ;____; koska oon ihan onneton ruotsissa ja matikassa... *sigh*
Huomasin kans että oon ihan PA. D: Ärsyttää ihan sairaasti. Okei joo ens kuun kuukausiraha tulee sillee suht kohta, mutta siihenki kuitenki menee jonku aikaa ja sitte siihen taas että tulee töistä eka palkka menee 3 ja puoli viikkoa, mikä on _pitkä_ aika mulle. Sillonki tulee vasta puolet palkasta, mutta sei kyllä haittaa.
Olispa jo heinäkuu! Meillä on ollu tässä vähän suunnitelmissa lähteä käymään Lontoossa kesällä, mutta en kyllä tiiä vielä ihan varmasti että mennäänkö vai ei. Se ois kyllä ihan sika siistiä! Ei olla ees käyty ulkomailla pitkään aikaa : ss
ahahahaaa sori
Too tired to write in English so probably going to change to Finnish for a while. If you can't understand Finnish leave a comment and I'll go back to writing in English.
Vooooi että ku koeviikko on niin ihana asia... ♥ rakastan!!! Huomenna kemian koe, joka tulee menemään ihan täysin päin helvettiä. Oon niinku 65% varma etten pääse koko koetta ees läpi. Oon kyllä lukenu siihen enemmän ku mihinkään muuhun kokeeseen varmaan koko ekan vuoden aikana, mutta ei kyllä tunnu yhtään siltä että oisin tajunnu _mitään_. Ylihuomenna ois sitte pyskon (psykologian) koe, johon en jaksa lukea muuta ku termejä. Äikän koe ois perjantaina ja kirjotan sen kokeen jo torstaina illalla valmiiksi, ettei tarvi ku sit kokeessa vaan kirjottaa se sama uuestaan. *sigh*
Että sellasta tälle viikolle! Onneksi ens viikolla ei sitte ookaan enää ku ruotsin ja matkan koe, vaikka ne onki mulle suht hankalia aineita, niin niitä en kuitenkaan stressaa vielä ihan kauheena. Kyllä ne menee jotenki. ...mutta tuo kemia ei.
Kohta vois lähteä suihkuun tästä ja sitte kehitellä vielä jotaki. Kattoa sitä KHR:ää vielä sen muutaman jakson mitä' sitä nyt on enää mulla jäljellä ja sitte siirtyäki jo seuraavaa sarjaa kattomaan. Tosiaan ku niitäki nyt on se muutama mitkä pitäis kattoo uuestaan/alusta: OnePiece, Bleach (sillee ei haluta koska Ulquiorra kuoli ;___; mutta sillee siellä voi solla uusia ihania hahmoja), Kaleido Star, Jigoku Shoujo 1-3, pitäis vissii Narutostaki päästä takas kärryille (jos vaan jaksais ku koko sarjasta meni vähän niinkö into jo joku 3 vuotta sitte... tässä ois vähän kiinniotettavaa. ^^'') ja sitte tosiaan se Eyeshield 21 ois kans ihan jees.
Tuossa vois kans sen Amnesia pelin hommata koneelle ku se vaikuttaa niin huipulta. *q*
Anyway nyt takas KHR:n pariin (koitan saaha sen nyt tässä tämän viikon aikana katottua). ♥
Vooooi että ku koeviikko on niin ihana asia... ♥ rakastan!!! Huomenna kemian koe, joka tulee menemään ihan täysin päin helvettiä. Oon niinku 65% varma etten pääse koko koetta ees läpi. Oon kyllä lukenu siihen enemmän ku mihinkään muuhun kokeeseen varmaan koko ekan vuoden aikana, mutta ei kyllä tunnu yhtään siltä että oisin tajunnu _mitään_. Ylihuomenna ois sitte pyskon (psykologian) koe, johon en jaksa lukea muuta ku termejä. Äikän koe ois perjantaina ja kirjotan sen kokeen jo torstaina illalla valmiiksi, ettei tarvi ku sit kokeessa vaan kirjottaa se sama uuestaan. *sigh*
Että sellasta tälle viikolle! Onneksi ens viikolla ei sitte ookaan enää ku ruotsin ja matkan koe, vaikka ne onki mulle suht hankalia aineita, niin niitä en kuitenkaan stressaa vielä ihan kauheena. Kyllä ne menee jotenki. ...mutta tuo kemia ei.
Kohta vois lähteä suihkuun tästä ja sitte kehitellä vielä jotaki. Kattoa sitä KHR:ää vielä sen muutaman jakson mitä' sitä nyt on enää mulla jäljellä ja sitte siirtyäki jo seuraavaa sarjaa kattomaan. Tosiaan ku niitäki nyt on se muutama mitkä pitäis kattoo uuestaan/alusta: OnePiece, Bleach (sillee ei haluta koska Ulquiorra kuoli ;___; mutta sillee siellä voi solla uusia ihania hahmoja), Kaleido Star, Jigoku Shoujo 1-3, pitäis vissii Narutostaki päästä takas kärryille (jos vaan jaksais ku koko sarjasta meni vähän niinkö into jo joku 3 vuotta sitte... tässä ois vähän kiinniotettavaa. ^^'') ja sitte tosiaan se Eyeshield 21 ois kans ihan jees.
Tuossa vois kans sen Amnesia pelin hommata koneelle ku se vaikuttaa niin huipulta. *q*
Anyway nyt takas KHR:n pariin (koitan saaha sen nyt tässä tämän viikon aikana katottua). ♥
About shoes...
Today isn't a really good day to make an update because nothing new has really happened and I'm just stressed about my exams that start again in just a few days...
---> so I'll make a blog about my shoes. Well, not about the shoes that I wear everyday, 'cause they are just normal shoes that anyone has. This blog is more about my shoes that I don't wear everyday mostly because they are quite rare.
First my platform boots:
The heel is about 14,5cm and the shoes are surprisingly easy to walk with. The shoes cost about 88,00€ when I bought them. These type of shoes tend to cost a lot of money, but I love them! ♥
Next my high heel boots pair #1:
The heels is something like 6-9cm I think. I've never measured it, so I'm not quite sure. The shoes are still a bit hard to walk with, but I'm getting more and more used to them. I think they cost me about 60€, but again, I'm not sure about the price. I love the pattern inside of the shoes and the model is just so great! ♥
My cute shoes:
The heel is only about 2-4cm and the shoes are like made just for me. I found these shoes at a secondhand store a year back and I fell in love with them. They were just the right size and cost only 15€! The shoes are very easy to walk with and the fact that they have been used shows. I think that because they look like they've been used they look a bit older and that's just what makes the shoes look even better. They remind me of the late 1910-1920's. ♥
My high heel boots pair #2:
The heel is about 7-9cm. I got these shoes today from my mom. They were her shoes, but she hasn't used them once, so she gave them to me. The shoes are amazing! They are gorgeous and pretty easy to walk with. I'm not quite used to them yet, but they look sooooooooo good that I have to start practising to walk with them. I have no idea how much they cost.---But I love them!!! ♥
I guess I'll have to finish reading the chemistry book... *sigh* Bye for now!
---> so I'll make a blog about my shoes. Well, not about the shoes that I wear everyday, 'cause they are just normal shoes that anyone has. This blog is more about my shoes that I don't wear everyday mostly because they are quite rare.
First my platform boots:
The heel is about 14,5cm and the shoes are surprisingly easy to walk with. The shoes cost about 88,00€ when I bought them. These type of shoes tend to cost a lot of money, but I love them! ♥
Next my high heel boots pair #1:
The heels is something like 6-9cm I think. I've never measured it, so I'm not quite sure. The shoes are still a bit hard to walk with, but I'm getting more and more used to them. I think they cost me about 60€, but again, I'm not sure about the price. I love the pattern inside of the shoes and the model is just so great! ♥
My cute shoes:
The heel is only about 2-4cm and the shoes are like made just for me. I found these shoes at a secondhand store a year back and I fell in love with them. They were just the right size and cost only 15€! The shoes are very easy to walk with and the fact that they have been used shows. I think that because they look like they've been used they look a bit older and that's just what makes the shoes look even better. They remind me of the late 1910-1920's. ♥
My high heel boots pair #2:
The heel is about 7-9cm. I got these shoes today from my mom. They were her shoes, but she hasn't used them once, so she gave them to me. The shoes are amazing! They are gorgeous and pretty easy to walk with. I'm not quite used to them yet, but they look sooooooooo good that I have to start practising to walk with them. I have no idea how much they cost.---But I love them!!! ♥
I guess I'll have to finish reading the chemistry book... *sigh* Bye for now!
Forgot to update, sorry.
aaaaaand I don't even feel like making an update XD
---But I'll make one.
Yesterday I went to see the new POTC movie: On stranger tides, or something like that with Kata. We had so much fun! ♥ First after school we wne to eat and then we shopped for a while aaaand then it was time for the movie. I bought a new wallet and an earing (kind off, it's actually a 12mm spiral).
Anyway! The movie was good, though not nearly as good as the first or the second movie was. I think the guy who played Endward Teach (The Blackbeard) was really, really good. He was perfect for the role in my opinion (and there were a lot of hot guys in the movie too *q*). Oh yeah there was one thing I forgot to mention. I think I have some kind of power to know when someone who I don't want to see will come to the same place where I am... I'm sure I have that kind of power. Yesterday I said to Kata that I had this feeling that either this one girl or this one guy would show up at the movies and surely enough when we had sat down on our seats she came in... That was kind of what ruined my whole day...
After watching that movie I kind of want to start watching One Piene again from the beginnig, but first I'll finish the KHR and Hellsing aaaaand I should watch Kaleido Star again also. Ah, so many series to watch. I really want to see Eyeshield 21 again too, 'cause Hiruma is so badass... XD
Today I didn't have any classes but I went to a museum in the morning with Ida. We wne there at 08.20am and left 08.34am... ^^' It was so boring and I'm not too interested in stones. She decided to come over on the bus drive back and when we got here we started making lunch and we drank a lot of tea and then we took some pictures in the near by forest.
That forest is one of my favorite places in this area. There's usually no one there and there are these two large open areas in the forest, which I love. One is a bit more hidden and a lot of people don't know where it is, but the other is on the main path. So the second large area was the one we were taking photos today. The great thing about the area is that there are these dead pieces of wood on the ground that create a great feeling to the photos. The ground is slightly annoying to walk on because the sand gets into your shoes and everywhere.
But here are the pictures:
I'm gonna go get some icecream now.
aaaaaand I don't even feel like making an update XD
---But I'll make one.
Yesterday I went to see the new POTC movie: On stranger tides, or something like that with Kata. We had so much fun! ♥ First after school we wne to eat and then we shopped for a while aaaand then it was time for the movie. I bought a new wallet and an earing (kind off, it's actually a 12mm spiral).
Anyway! The movie was good, though not nearly as good as the first or the second movie was. I think the guy who played Endward Teach (The Blackbeard) was really, really good. He was perfect for the role in my opinion (and there were a lot of hot guys in the movie too *q*). Oh yeah there was one thing I forgot to mention. I think I have some kind of power to know when someone who I don't want to see will come to the same place where I am... I'm sure I have that kind of power. Yesterday I said to Kata that I had this feeling that either this one girl or this one guy would show up at the movies and surely enough when we had sat down on our seats she came in... That was kind of what ruined my whole day...
After watching that movie I kind of want to start watching One Piene again from the beginnig, but first I'll finish the KHR and Hellsing aaaaand I should watch Kaleido Star again also. Ah, so many series to watch. I really want to see Eyeshield 21 again too, 'cause Hiruma is so badass... XD
Today I didn't have any classes but I went to a museum in the morning with Ida. We wne there at 08.20am and left 08.34am... ^^' It was so boring and I'm not too interested in stones. She decided to come over on the bus drive back and when we got here we started making lunch and we drank a lot of tea and then we took some pictures in the near by forest.
That forest is one of my favorite places in this area. There's usually no one there and there are these two large open areas in the forest, which I love. One is a bit more hidden and a lot of people don't know where it is, but the other is on the main path. So the second large area was the one we were taking photos today. The great thing about the area is that there are these dead pieces of wood on the ground that create a great feeling to the photos. The ground is slightly annoying to walk on because the sand gets into your shoes and everywhere.
But here are the pictures:
I'm gonna go get some icecream now.
Okay so first off gz to Finland's icehockey team for winning the world championship. Personally I'm not a fan of icehockey at all and don't really care about the leagues, but this time I think I'll at least congratulate the team.
Today was a nightmare. I slept less than 4 hours because of all the commotion over the victory and in the morning I was dead tired and annoyed about _everything_. It didn't really help that on the first class at school I had to "argue" about death penalty. I was supposed to support the idea of it, but I don't actually agree with it at all. It was annoying trying to support the idea of it, when I wasn't "in it to win it" and wasn't able to make solid arguments.
When I got home I helped preparing the dinner, but apparently it wasn't nearly enough and I was yelled about it for like an hour just now. *Sigh* worst thing about it was that because I didn't realize to prepare the whole dinner I need to do a whole lot more then that to get a ride to school tomorrow morning and if I won't do them all then I'm not getting a ride and I'll miss my first class (and nope they won't check my teacher's mark for me not being on the class ---> thus I'll fail the class, 'cause it wasn't checked). I'm _not_ amused. I can't take the bus, 'cause it won't be in Oulu in time for me to make it to the other bus that I need to get on for me to be on time at the class, which is held elsewhere.
Aaaand ofc tomorrow is the worst day of the week... *sigh*
Thank god there's no school on Friday and weekend starts on Thursday!!!! ♥ I'm gonna go watch the new POTC movie with my friends on Thursday and probably go sleep over at Krista's place on Friday, get back on Saturday.
Let's hope the rest of the week wouldn't suck as much as this day did.
Today was a nightmare. I slept less than 4 hours because of all the commotion over the victory and in the morning I was dead tired and annoyed about _everything_. It didn't really help that on the first class at school I had to "argue" about death penalty. I was supposed to support the idea of it, but I don't actually agree with it at all. It was annoying trying to support the idea of it, when I wasn't "in it to win it" and wasn't able to make solid arguments.
When I got home I helped preparing the dinner, but apparently it wasn't nearly enough and I was yelled about it for like an hour just now. *Sigh* worst thing about it was that because I didn't realize to prepare the whole dinner I need to do a whole lot more then that to get a ride to school tomorrow morning and if I won't do them all then I'm not getting a ride and I'll miss my first class (and nope they won't check my teacher's mark for me not being on the class ---> thus I'll fail the class, 'cause it wasn't checked). I'm _not_ amused. I can't take the bus, 'cause it won't be in Oulu in time for me to make it to the other bus that I need to get on for me to be on time at the class, which is held elsewhere.
Aaaand ofc tomorrow is the worst day of the week... *sigh*
Thank god there's no school on Friday and weekend starts on Thursday!!!! ♥ I'm gonna go watch the new POTC movie with my friends on Thursday and probably go sleep over at Krista's place on Friday, get back on Saturday.
Let's hope the rest of the week wouldn't suck as much as this day did.
Blondies have more fun?
I hope so, 'cause I'm blond again!
Yeah it's been over half a year since I was blond and now the blond is back! I personally like this color it's easy to maintain and it doesn't fade to a weird and disgusting color. Here's a pic of how it looks now:
Anyways plans changed a little and Elina didn't come over this weekend, but it's okay~. I'm just gonna eat candy and watch anime and do some other stuff. I was thinking that I'd like to do a new video to YouTube, but I have no idea of what I should do. : /
I guess I could update this blog a little and change it, but I dunno, I'll do it latter if I still feel like doing it.
Oh yeah here's a picture that m and Kata drew on our class XDD We had fun! And don't worry if you don't quite get it, 'cause it a bit confusing.
Yeah it's been over half a year since I was blond and now the blond is back! I personally like this color it's easy to maintain and it doesn't fade to a weird and disgusting color. Here's a pic of how it looks now:
Anyways plans changed a little and Elina didn't come over this weekend, but it's okay~. I'm just gonna eat candy and watch anime and do some other stuff. I was thinking that I'd like to do a new video to YouTube, but I have no idea of what I should do. : /
I guess I could update this blog a little and change it, but I dunno, I'll do it latter if I still feel like doing it.
Oh yeah here's a picture that m and Kata drew on our class XDD We had fun! And don't worry if you don't quite get it, 'cause it a bit confusing.
In pain much?
Ohhh my god I had sucha bad headache today! I was half dead on my swedish class and I nearly cried, 'cause it hurt so bad. I felt like I was about to pass out, but luckily I didn't. I stayed to the very end of the class, even though I didn't think I could have stayed. My maths class was cancelled and I was able to leave.
I've recovered a little bit now that I took a long nap. I can still feel a little pain in my head, but not as much. Now here I am watching KHR and some really old princess Diana interviews. She is adorable, and I'm truly feeling sad for her losing her life in such a bizarre way. I haven't had any intrest in her before this, though I knew who she was. Then I stummbled upon a news article about the pictures of the dying Diana being shown in a short movie called "Unlawful Killing". In the movie some theories about the death are being solved out (many, many people say that princess Diana was killed).
Anyway enough about her, I'm having some trouble with my school, but I'm trying to solve the problems as fast as I can.
Okay I'm making something in the oven and as I heated the oven some smoke came out and I'm thikinh something had to had been in the oven and it burned. The smell is terrible, I'm keeping my door to the blacony open and opened up some windows. The smell doesn't really help my headache at all, but I don't think that if I'll take the food out now the smoke would stop immidiately.
I should go and check how my food is doing... I'm hungry as hell so it would better be okay!!!
I've recovered a little bit now that I took a long nap. I can still feel a little pain in my head, but not as much. Now here I am watching KHR and some really old princess Diana interviews. She is adorable, and I'm truly feeling sad for her losing her life in such a bizarre way. I haven't had any intrest in her before this, though I knew who she was. Then I stummbled upon a news article about the pictures of the dying Diana being shown in a short movie called "Unlawful Killing". In the movie some theories about the death are being solved out (many, many people say that princess Diana was killed).
Anyway enough about her, I'm having some trouble with my school, but I'm trying to solve the problems as fast as I can.
Okay I'm making something in the oven and as I heated the oven some smoke came out and I'm thikinh something had to had been in the oven and it burned. The smell is terrible, I'm keeping my door to the blacony open and opened up some windows. The smell doesn't really help my headache at all, but I don't think that if I'll take the food out now the smoke would stop immidiately.
I should go and check how my food is doing... I'm hungry as hell so it would better be okay!!!
*deep sigh*
I have a few problems today...
One: I needed to start selecting courses for my next year today and almost every course was already full or was in a place, where I already had another course. I'm extremely frustrated. I need to talk to the counselor of my class and ask her that is it possible to put me in a course that's already full. Even the teachers warned us that the second year is usually the hardest and they weren't kidding. I'm already miserable and there's still over 3 months before the second year starts. I'm not even finished with the first year and I'm already banging my head to a wall!
Two: My absolute hate towards my hair just got worse. I've been thinking about cutting it short, but then I found some really, really neat pictures of my hair from the last summer. I have no idea why I ruined my hair by cutting it so much. I _hate_ my current hair. I should cut it so that it would grow out more healthy, but I think I'll wait until the summer break. But that hair that I had last summer was amazing. And the makeup that I wore everyday was so good too! I _need_ to go back to that style again. Here's a picture of the hair/makeup that I had back in the summer of 2010:
Three: I have a math test _AGAIN_ tomorrow and I'm not prepaired. The things we'll be asked tomorrow are the things I'm not too good with, so I'll be dead after the test. Also I've had my speach on monday on my Finnish class and today I had to write an essay about my opion about a subject that we were allowed to choose freely (I wrote about my opion about smoking in public and the damage it causes to the smoker and to the people surrounding him [sorry for all the people who smoke, but I personally don't approve it.{doesn't mean that I wouldn't like you as a person though}]).
Four: Only this and the next week left before the exams start again. --And I feel like I've learned _nothing_... I'm so dead..!
*sigh* I think I'll go take a shower now. I'm too frustrated to keep writing... : (
One: I needed to start selecting courses for my next year today and almost every course was already full or was in a place, where I already had another course. I'm extremely frustrated. I need to talk to the counselor of my class and ask her that is it possible to put me in a course that's already full. Even the teachers warned us that the second year is usually the hardest and they weren't kidding. I'm already miserable and there's still over 3 months before the second year starts. I'm not even finished with the first year and I'm already banging my head to a wall!
Two: My absolute hate towards my hair just got worse. I've been thinking about cutting it short, but then I found some really, really neat pictures of my hair from the last summer. I have no idea why I ruined my hair by cutting it so much. I _hate_ my current hair. I should cut it so that it would grow out more healthy, but I think I'll wait until the summer break. But that hair that I had last summer was amazing. And the makeup that I wore everyday was so good too! I _need_ to go back to that style again. Here's a picture of the hair/makeup that I had back in the summer of 2010:
Three: I have a math test _AGAIN_ tomorrow and I'm not prepaired. The things we'll be asked tomorrow are the things I'm not too good with, so I'll be dead after the test. Also I've had my speach on monday on my Finnish class and today I had to write an essay about my opion about a subject that we were allowed to choose freely (I wrote about my opion about smoking in public and the damage it causes to the smoker and to the people surrounding him [sorry for all the people who smoke, but I personally don't approve it.{doesn't mean that I wouldn't like you as a person though}]).
Four: Only this and the next week left before the exams start again. --And I feel like I've learned _nothing_... I'm so dead..!
*sigh* I think I'll go take a shower now. I'm too frustrated to keep writing... : (
I'm having fun even though I should be having fun but rather killing my brains while reading for my Swedish test that's tomorrow, but naaah. I'm watching smosh from youtube and amusing myself with the series "Ghosthunters" or "TAPS" or whatever you call it. I also watched two movies today: "The Blair witch project" and "The book os shadows: Blait witch project 2". I didn't like the second one, it was just too odd. The first was good I guess. Nothing much happened but since I was waiting for something to jump out all the time it was exciting and even though it ended weirdly I think it was a good ending and made you just want to see more. I wish they'd do a sequal where they would show what happened to the people in the first movie, but no such luck yet. I have no idea that is the first movie really based on a true story, but it was interesting. I searched that was is based on a true story or not but didn't find out anything. Some pages made it sound like it is but some just said it is only a fictional movie. The legacy of the Blair wtich is fairly cool though and I advise you to check it out if you're interested in that kind off stuff like I am (still all in love with paranormal stuff and all~♥)
I reeeeeeally should read to the test... ^^' There are like 70 words that I should know and some paragraphs. I'll _try_ to study them latter today. Aaaaaaargh I also have my speach tomorrow!!! I'm a bit nervous. The guy who is going to judge my speach is someone I don't know at all and I think that he doesn't like me and is going to give me really bad points for it.
Oh and yesterday good things happened. ^^ One is something that I'm not gonig to tell you about, 'cause it would be mean but I can tell you that I'm very, very pleased. Now I'm not quite sure when this thing happened but as soon as I heard the news I was all like: oh...hell YES! ---but enough about that one thing that I'm not going to tell you about! ^^ I mad a cake for my mom and it ended up looking quite good (sorry I don't have a picture of it ;__;). Mom promised me that she'll buy me a corset if I'll find one that's at least "okay" quality and that doesn't cost too much. I found a couple already aaand I'm going to show them latter to her and we'll buy one. ^^ I got some pictures that don't look so horrible that I'd feel like shooting myself. ^^ Aaaaand I found some long lost episodes of "House" from our recorder! AAAAAAAAAAAND I got icecream *www*
That's about all of the good things! : DD
Sure tomorrow being monday is annoying me, but meh, it's okay!!! 'cause Elina is going to come over next weekend!!! ♥
Anywaaay here are the two pictures I took ^^
P.S My KHR re-run has slowed down a lot XD But I've decided that it's okay and I'll watch the Ghosthunters season 7 and then go back to the KHR. ^^ (okay the ghosthunters season 7 isn't finished yet, but I'll watch the episodes that have been aired so far)
I'm having fun even though I should be having fun but rather killing my brains while reading for my Swedish test that's tomorrow, but naaah. I'm watching smosh from youtube and amusing myself with the series "Ghosthunters" or "TAPS" or whatever you call it. I also watched two movies today: "The Blair witch project" and "The book os shadows: Blait witch project 2". I didn't like the second one, it was just too odd. The first was good I guess. Nothing much happened but since I was waiting for something to jump out all the time it was exciting and even though it ended weirdly I think it was a good ending and made you just want to see more. I wish they'd do a sequal where they would show what happened to the people in the first movie, but no such luck yet. I have no idea that is the first movie really based on a true story, but it was interesting. I searched that was is based on a true story or not but didn't find out anything. Some pages made it sound like it is but some just said it is only a fictional movie. The legacy of the Blair wtich is fairly cool though and I advise you to check it out if you're interested in that kind off stuff like I am (still all in love with paranormal stuff and all~♥)
I reeeeeeally should read to the test... ^^' There are like 70 words that I should know and some paragraphs. I'll _try_ to study them latter today. Aaaaaaargh I also have my speach tomorrow!!! I'm a bit nervous. The guy who is going to judge my speach is someone I don't know at all and I think that he doesn't like me and is going to give me really bad points for it.
Oh and yesterday good things happened. ^^ One is something that I'm not gonig to tell you about, 'cause it would be mean but I can tell you that I'm very, very pleased. Now I'm not quite sure when this thing happened but as soon as I heard the news I was all like: oh...hell YES! ---but enough about that one thing that I'm not going to tell you about! ^^ I mad a cake for my mom and it ended up looking quite good (sorry I don't have a picture of it ;__;). Mom promised me that she'll buy me a corset if I'll find one that's at least "okay" quality and that doesn't cost too much. I found a couple already aaand I'm going to show them latter to her and we'll buy one. ^^ I got some pictures that don't look so horrible that I'd feel like shooting myself. ^^ Aaaaand I found some long lost episodes of "House" from our recorder! AAAAAAAAAAAND I got icecream *www*
That's about all of the good things! : DD
Sure tomorrow being monday is annoying me, but meh, it's okay!!! 'cause Elina is going to come over next weekend!!! ♥
Anywaaay here are the two pictures I took ^^
P.S My KHR re-run has slowed down a lot XD But I've decided that it's okay and I'll watch the Ghosthunters season 7 and then go back to the KHR. ^^ (okay the ghosthunters season 7 isn't finished yet, but I'll watch the episodes that have been aired so far)
It's friday, friday!
Ah I've been staring at the new music video of Lady Gaga called "Judas". I love the makeup looks she has on her on the video! I _have_ to try them on sometime! And also the guy with the "crown" is sooooooo yum... *q* Srly get me a man like that and I'll die of happiness! Or get me someone who looks like gutterface from deviantART. He is sooo hot and cute at the same time, which I didn't think was possible. ♥
Today school was okay I guess. Nothing special. I got home and our younger dog had destroyed some CDs and other stuff. So I spent 30 minutes yelling at him and about 50minutes cleaning up the mess and then I got a headache from all the yelling and my throat hurst too... *sigh*
My internet is acting slow today and I'm not sure why. I think I'll check my computer for viruses latter today if that's what's slowing down my net.
Took some new pictures today! (and some herp-a-derp pictures with my web as I was talknig to Ida and Krista)
Ahrg!!! There is this guy who keeps stalking me even though I clearly do not want to be in any contact with him. I should probably put him on my black list so he won't be able to stalk me anymore. It's getting _annoying_! Just how hard is it to get the message? Deleting from all friend lists and msn isn't enough??? Really??? I'm sure I'd get it if someone would go that far not to see me anymore. GEEZ!!!! GET OF MY VISITORS LIST!!! AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!!! YOU ARE NO LONGER NEEDED!!!
*cough* ^^
I should go.
Today school was okay I guess. Nothing special. I got home and our younger dog had destroyed some CDs and other stuff. So I spent 30 minutes yelling at him and about 50minutes cleaning up the mess and then I got a headache from all the yelling and my throat hurst too... *sigh*
My internet is acting slow today and I'm not sure why. I think I'll check my computer for viruses latter today if that's what's slowing down my net.
Took some new pictures today! (and some herp-a-derp pictures with my web as I was talknig to Ida and Krista)
Ahrg!!! There is this guy who keeps stalking me even though I clearly do not want to be in any contact with him. I should probably put him on my black list so he won't be able to stalk me anymore. It's getting _annoying_! Just how hard is it to get the message? Deleting from all friend lists and msn isn't enough??? Really??? I'm sure I'd get it if someone would go that far not to see me anymore. GEEZ!!!! GET OF MY VISITORS LIST!!! AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!!! YOU ARE NO LONGER NEEDED!!!
*cough* ^^
I should go.
I'm not good at this...
Ugh... I'm not really good at anything. You can ask anyone and they'll say that I'm good at getting pissed off, which is not a good thing (oh yeah I'm hatin' myself again so don't bother to read if you're not interested)...
Great thing abou looking so "special" is that I'm so not going to get a partner for the dance thingy called "wanhat" next year. It's the only time girls get to dance it in their life aaaand I'm not gonan be dancing, 'cause I don't have a partner. Yeah call me stupid for saying that now, since the whole thing won't happen until next year, but here's the deal: 2/3 of students in our school are girls and only 1/3 are boys. Getting a partner to dance with you is really hard, and I _know_ I won't get one. Great, isn't it? Unless I want to dance as a boy witha friend of mine, but yeah... I danced as a boy in the ninth grade and I'm _not_ going to dance as a man this time. I'll rather not dance at all if that's the only choice I have.
Today me and Ida had to present our georaphy "presentation" and it went suprisingly well. I was happily surprised by the compliments we got from our teacher. But tomorrow I have to make a speach, and I don't like being in front of the classroom talking, so I'm not looking forward to it at all. I was having a lot of trouble deciding on which subject should I talk about, but then I came up with the idea of talking about underaged young people using alcohol, drugs and such. My mom thought that the speach was very good, but I'm not confident.
I should go do jmy sit-ups and pack my bag for tomorrow and something... *sigh* I hate my life.
Great thing abou looking so "special" is that I'm so not going to get a partner for the dance thingy called "wanhat" next year. It's the only time girls get to dance it in their life aaaand I'm not gonan be dancing, 'cause I don't have a partner. Yeah call me stupid for saying that now, since the whole thing won't happen until next year, but here's the deal: 2/3 of students in our school are girls and only 1/3 are boys. Getting a partner to dance with you is really hard, and I _know_ I won't get one. Great, isn't it? Unless I want to dance as a boy witha friend of mine, but yeah... I danced as a boy in the ninth grade and I'm _not_ going to dance as a man this time. I'll rather not dance at all if that's the only choice I have.
Today me and Ida had to present our georaphy "presentation" and it went suprisingly well. I was happily surprised by the compliments we got from our teacher. But tomorrow I have to make a speach, and I don't like being in front of the classroom talking, so I'm not looking forward to it at all. I was having a lot of trouble deciding on which subject should I talk about, but then I came up with the idea of talking about underaged young people using alcohol, drugs and such. My mom thought that the speach was very good, but I'm not confident.
I should go do jmy sit-ups and pack my bag for tomorrow and something... *sigh* I hate my life.
I miss you...
It's been 13 years since Hideto Matsumoto aka. hide (X Japan) passed away. (...and look who's almost crying... DAMN IT!!!) hide was such a legend! I can't get over his death even though I was only four years old when he died. X Japan was the very first Japanese band I ever listened to and I loved hide the most. You want to start commenting on hide's death being suicide? Go do that somewhere else, okay? No need to get me angry, now is there? *listening to hide's song "MISERY"*
Aaaand after ten years someone shot and killed Osama Bin Laden? Personally I find that news great. Didn't like the guy very much... Much like the most people didn't.
I was out the whole weekend having fun with my friends. Unfortunately my movie maker is a total bitch and refuses to work, so I can't finish the video I was supposed to make about our day in Oulu. *sigh* I tried 5 times to make it but it just simply doesn't work. I think I'll try doing it once more this week. I do have a few pictures for you though:
Me in my "costume"
The "gang"
Me & Kata
I should be trying to write something down so I won't completely fail tomorrow on my Swedish class, but I'll do that latter. Got more important things to do now; like getting a candle and making a small prayer for hide... ♥ I miss him so bad!!!
Aaaaand I also have to do 40 more sit-ups today~
Aaaaand watch KHR more. And I should probably also mentally prepare myself for tomorrow, 'cause tuesday is the most annoying day of the week for me currently (08.15-16.00 school and no breaks + my dad can't give me a ride home so I need to take the traffic bus...)
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