I've noticed that my day can turn from a good day to an extremely bad day really, really fast.
Today my morning started by me waking up about an hour early and I didn't get any sleep after that. I was a little bit annoyed by it, but didn't pay too much attention to it later. I got up, put on my make up, decided which clothes I would ears and started to do my hair. I cleaned up my room, 'cause my 2 friends were supposed to comed over after I had gone to my previous school. Pretty soon after I was done my friend called me to tell em that she couldn't come. (and to be honest I wasn't too happy about being alone with my other friend, 'cause he is a bit different and it's sometimes really hard to come up with something to talk about...)
At my previous school it was funny to notice how well my former teachers still remembered me and it was amusing how the new students were staring at me with their mouths open. I was on a good mood, but there were a couple things that my friend whined about, which made me a bit pissed. (Dude, you don't need to complain about every little thing and always comment to what I say...)
The sun was shining, which was a good thing, but because it's winter here, it was freezing cold. Just the normal -30 celcius... Luckily one of my other friends decided to show up, so I didn't have to be alone with the other guy. (Oh and of course he complained about not understanding what me and Mirva were talking about!)
After both of them had left I tried to take a nap. That didn't go so well; just when I was about to fall asleep my dad called me and I didn't fall asleep after that anymore. When my mother came home I was hungry and tired and fairly annoyed already, but of course she had to make her best effort to make me more annoyed. Surely my mother knows me well enough to make me go from happy, happy to EXTREMELY PISSED OFF. Naturally now I'm just trying not my start shouting like a mad man...
AND I'M STILL HUNGRY! And we don't have anything that I would eat!!!
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