I have successfully forgotten this blog completely. Well at least I remembered it now!! :'DD Not much has been going on lately. I did have a little crush a while back and it didn't go too well ==> ended up heartbroken and pissed off at everything ==> made me quite suicidal... ^^' Had a happy New Year, NOT!
Well now everything is going okay. School is well... school and it's as diffivult as ever, but I've managed somehow. Currently I don't have anyone that I really like, in that way. I've been having so much fun with my friends that I haven't had the time to think about guys. : D Which I'm happy about. There is one guy who seems to like me and also calls me his "darling", but I don't really know if I'm interested. : ss
My hair had a couple changes while I didn't update this blog. I dyed it black, from which it changed to blueishblack with red and blakc dreads, from that to purpleblack and from that to BLUE! ♥ Or actually it's blue from the top and black from the lower parts.
I had a terrible headache today so I stayed home from school. : ( Didn't sleep much and now I'm really tired. I should probably go to bed early today,but we'll see... XD I watched 5 movies and now I dragged my ass to the computer to watch POT (Prince of Tennis). :'D I've wathed this series 5 times already, but I just have to see it again. : DDD
P.S I'll TRY to remember this blog from now on ;___;
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