I didn't sleep too well last night. Yet again. This time I woke up at 04.32, and like normal, didn't get any sleep after that. I was dead tired the whole day. I usually never fall asleep in the car on the way home from school (takes about 20-30mins to drive) but this time I did.
Even though I was so tired and was half asleep durning all of my classes, I'm happy to notice that I actually understand the things we're discussing on biology classes. I rather find DNA & RNA facinating so to me learning about them is actually fun. Although I nearly slept on the class, I managed to answer some questions, thus getting some point for being active on the class. ^^
All and all they day wasn't as bad as I imaginated it to be, since this is the only day when I go to school at 08.15 get off from school at 16.00. Usually my day ends 14.30 or 12.30. I'm the type of person who would rather go early and leave earlier, than go to school later and stay there longer.
One other nice thing to day was that I have free time from 11.00 to 13.15 on tuesdays. Me and my friend Kata (Katariina) went to get food from Subway and then came back to school to stuff them down with soda and candy.
Probably the only annoying things today were the fact that my headache is as bad as ever and that one guy (who was here last week) was kind of getting on my nerves. He has to start depeting about EVERYTHING and he thinks he's always the one who's right. That starts to annoy me and quite a few people. He himself knows that he is getting on my and other peoples nervers, but he says it's "fun" and that he "doesn't care". I doupt that. I don't know if he understands that bif he keeps on doing what he does, the way he does it, he won't have too many friends left after a while. I sincerely hope he'll stop. Who knows, maybe he'll grow up a little.
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