I was happy to notice that this monday wasn't as bad as it usually is. I managed to get okay numbers from my last test week. I didn't fail a single class, which I'm so happy about! Although that doesn't mean that I can relax now. I have to keep working hard so I won't fail any classes this period too.
Yesterday I heard about somethings of which I wasn't happy about at all, but I also realized that I might have the best friends anyone can have. The two people who are the most important to me are friends I can't affort to lose. No matter how stupid it might sound, but I was so happy that I cried yesterday. I've had some bad moments and suicidal thoughts (and attempted suicide a couple times in the past...) but even though now I'm having harder times than I had back then, when I was already giving up, I've managed to live thru it mostly because of these two friends of mine. They mean so much to me and I mean a lot to them too. They are like light at the end of the tunnel or the missing piece of me, that I've never found before.
I'd probably be dead, if I wouldn't have met these two girls. I'm quite sure about it.
Now back to work! Have to work on my essey today, so that I'll get it done in time.