Okay! What a week! Holy crap!
I've been crazy busy! And I'm still going be crazy busy for a while now... :D I'll probably be running on fumes by the end of this...
But though I've been really busy and that's been a little rough I've had some of the best time ever!
So this week we welcomed the new students coming to study English Philology in Oulu University. So we, the student tutors have been pretty busy with everything that's happening with the new students coming in and stuff. And this week 25 university students from Japan came to Oulu as well to participate in Scandinavian Studies (and I'm also tutoring a group of those students). Aaand of course, I've been going to work as well. :D It's been pretty hectic!
Now if you've been around for a while you may know that I've been to Japan once; last year and that experience was amazing! For the longest time I've really been interested in Japanese culture, history, media, etc. Actually being able to talk with the Japanese university students that have come here is just such an amazing experience and I'm beyond grateful to have this opportunity. This week we went to the Air guitar world championship event that's held here in Oulu every year and that was a lot of fun, though the weather sucked so bad.... And yesterday a group of the students came here to my apartment and we talked for hours about all kinds of stuff and it was so cool! I was so freaking nervous about my Japanese (like would they be able to understand me, would be able to keep up with the conversations, etc.), especially since I've never studies Japanese before, but likely it all went really well. I'm honestly so incredibly happy with being able to get to know these students!
And this will give me a pretty nice foundation for when my Japanese studies start in a few weeks! Hopefully I'll finally learn how to read and write........ :''D
(ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง
I was requested to do an update about my apartment decor, and I'll do that in this update but before getting into all of that I'll just put some other pictures here.
But now!
Here are some pictures of my apartment:
I got this really cool moon "poster" thing from eBay! It's one of those things that gathers light and shines at night!!! <3 It's so cool! And I love looking at the moon! And now I always have a full moon to look at!!!!!! ლζ*♡ε♡*ζლ
Alright that's about it!
See you next time!!! <3
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