
Sometimes you just gotta go with it + Halloween 2015

I am going to be so freaking busy until like the 7th of September... I have so much stuff going on that I'm stressed out to the point that half the time I don't know what exactly is it that is making me bash my head against the wall... I'm like hysterical more than anything, I've crossed over the line of "hey a little stress is healthy" to the point of "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA WHAT MORE STUFF TO DO?? SUUURE SOUNDS LIKE A LEGIT PLAN!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA" :)))

So that is going to be happening for the next few weeks/a month... :)) I have so much Uni stuff going on that I'm nearly ripping my hair out... I just got another assignment that I have to get done (but luckily I'm so pro I've already done like 50% of it), I'm going to be a tutor for a group of new students that are starting their English Philology studies at Oulu Uni and I'm also going to be tutoring a group of Japanese university students for three weeks. Also my own regular courses are going be starting back up in early September (thank goodness I don't have that many courses that I need to get done compared to last year...!!) and I'm also going to be working after lectures. I'm going to be pretty busy at least for a bit... :'D
I'm hoping all of this won't get too overwhelming but hey, at least my curriculum isn't as shitty as it was last year and since I have a nice job now I can really maybe stop worrying for like two seconds about life and stuff and things. *fingers crossed*

Enough about that though :'D

Since summer is (unfortunately) almost over I decided that it was about time to get a few new things so that I can survive the Autumn weather, etc. :)

My old shoes were falling apart so I got two pairs of shoes:
A shirt & a top:
This thing that is my new favorite accessory!!: 
 And got the Directions color in Mandarin to keep up my orange:
Oh and I lost my jacket and my freaking belt that I loved (which was on that jacket) around Mid Summer's Eve!!! I've searched for it at my place and at home, but nope it's taken the freaking train to Narnia and it's not coming back.. So I might need to buy a new jacket soon as well. Goddamn it.

By the way have you guys seen any shooting stars lately? :D There's supposed to be(/or was (I dunno)) a high chance of seeing shooting stars at night! Naturally when I heard about this I immediately decided that I'd totally spend a night on my balcony just staring at the sky and I actually managed to see a few the night before! :) 
Oh hey and I've started planning on this year's Halloween videos. Now you might be thinking that I'm wayyyy early to hop on this train, but like I explained before I'm going to be wayyyy busy for sometime now ---> prompting me to start planning Halloween really, really early this year. I've already actually even filmed two videos BUT I won't be uploading them until like September/October. I still have like five more looks/things planned and hopefully I'll get those videos done asap as well. Depending on how many videos I can get done I'll start posting them to YouTube maybe even in mid September (I'll probably post one video per week, so the more I get them done the earlier I'll start posting them). 

Here's a sneak peak to the first two looks:

Alright, I think that's about all for now...

See ya next time!!! <3

2 kommenttia:

  1. Voisitko tehdä asunnostasi postauksen? Ois hauska nähdä miten oot sisustanut asuntosi. :)
