A little late congratulations for Finland for the the 96 years of independence! <3 I noticed that I won't quite be 24 yet when Finland reaches 100 years! : ) But other than the celebration of our independence day I also finally got to celebrated my graduation. Be had the party here at home on Thursday and for the party we had to make quite a lot of preparations.
The preparations I think started last year with renovations to my home, but I'm not going to tell all the details that we've done. The first preparation made to me was when I got my dress at the end of this past summer. My parents brought the dress from their trip to London and to my fantastic surprise the size was perfect and I didn't need to edit it at all. The dress is by Karen Millen and I think the name of the dress is "Oriental dress" (not quite sure about this though).
Up next there has been quite a hassle whilst cleaning and baking the whole past week. I almost ran completely out of energy, but we got all the preparations done in time.
Juhlat kesti pitkään ja jatkot nyt meni miten meni (lähinnä selvinpäin katselemassa villiä ihmisluontoa Oulun yöelämässä). En kauheana meinaa selitellä juhlista mitään, ne nyt meni niinku juhlat yleensä menee paljon sosialisointia ja herkuttelua kaikille muille paitsi juhlittavalle ihmiselle. : D Sain ihania lahjoja, siitä suuri kiitos kaikille ja muutenki kaikille muistaneille oikein suuren suuret kiitokset! <3
Kolme ja puoli vuotta on nyt siitä menny ku lukion alotin ja nyt se on ohi, rankkaa on ollu mutta ihan kunnialla tästäki koetuksesta selvittiin. Taijan sitte lähempänä uutta vuotta taikoa taas videon ja blogimerkinnän näistä kuluneista vuosista! : )
The party was long and the after party went how it went (mostly sober and watching the wild human nature in the night life of Oulu). I'm not going to tell much details of the actual party, since they went how party's usually go; a lot of socializing and enjoying the food expect for the person who the party is for. : D I got amazing gifts, many thanks for that to everyone and also a huuuge thank you to all who gave their congrats! <3
Three and a half years have passed since I started upper secondary school and now it's over, it was a rough ride all the way but I managed to honorably survive this ordeal. I might make a video and a blog post closer to the end of this year about these years! : )
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That's my cousin on the left side |
I'll add more pictures of the party on some other update!
Tähän vielä loppuun pistän vähän kuvia kun väsäsin itelleni kukkaseppeleen tekokukista, rautalangasta ja kuumaliimasta. Tein tämän tulevia kuvauksia ja muita varten, että ei liity mitenkään näihin juhliin. : D En hoksannu oottaa kuvaa jatkojen mekosta ku se tuli postissa just tuossa muutama päivä sitte, mutta sen mää nyt ehin vielä moneen otteeseen näyttää teilleki. ; D
Before I close of this update here's a few pictures of a flower crown that I made from fake-flowers, metal string and hot glue. I made this as a prop for future photoshoots, so this has nothing to do with this celebration at all. : D I didn't take pictures of the dress I wore to the after-party, which came in the mail a few days ago, but I'll have many opportunities to show it to you latter. ; D
That's it for this week! Next week I'm going go see a few bands play and stuff like that. : D So I'll see you on the next update! ; )
Bye bye!! <3
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