This week has been yet again pretty quiet. I went to school for a bit, saw a few of my friends, went for a cup of coffee and yup, that's about it for this week.
Onneksi ja epäonnekseni (koska se käytännössä tarkottaa että yo-kokeetki on kohta) voin todeta että kauaa ei enää ihan näin dramaattisen hiljaiselon pitäis jatkua. Onneksi sitten vihdoin ja viimein kun kirjotukset on ohi voin nautiskella vähän enemmän elosta, koska nyt lähinnä vaan ärsyttää ku on niin stressaantunu ja ahistunu olo jatkuvasti. : (
Luckily and also unluckily (because that also means that the matriculation exams are coming soon) for me I can say that this dramatically quiet living isn't going to continue for that long anymore. Luckily finally after the matriculation exams are over I can enjoy living da life a bit more, now I'm just irritated for the stress and feeling anxious all the time. : (
I'll probably update next week (though I'm not 100% sure about that anymore), but the week after that I won't been updating. I need to focus on my revising and I wouldn't like to use my time updating my blog, especially since I already know that should I update that week, the update would be only about my anxiety and crying over the exams.... : s The week after that I might make an update but I'm sure I'll update later than usual; I actually have plans for that weekend. : ) Me and my friends are probably going to go let so steam out from these exams, since by that time we all should be done with them.
Bye bye!! <3
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