I can already feel in my spine the stress from school creeping on me, but I'm trying to survive here and push the thoughts about school away for as long as I can. On Monday I have to go to a math prep course that lasts for the whole week. The week after that actual school starts. Don't really feel like smiling about this situation, especially the thought of the final week of my summer vacation being completely used in math course ties a whole new level of knots to stomach. Do.Not.Want.
Eilen skype keskustelun Keelan kans jälkeen tuliki mieleen, että jos joku haluaa viihdyttää itteään quality kauhulla ja ei välttämättä haittaa vaikka ei siinä videolla puhuttua kieltä kokonaan ymmärräkään niin suosittelen vilkasemaan yhen jakson japanilaista variety-showta jossa vuosittain kerätään kauhuvideoita ympäri maailmaa ja kootaan ne yhteen show:hun, jossa niitä katotaan pienellä porukalla studiossa. Kyllä sieltä vähäuskoisetki varmaan muutaman selkäpiitä karmivan videon löytää, tai ainaki mulla on ollu hetkiä ku on yksin kotona kun tuntuu että kattelen olan yli useammin ku normaalisti. : D
Now that there still is some of this "vacation" left (not really more than today and tomorrow, and tomorrow is probably not going feel like any kind of vacation anymore) one should try to enjoy it. Most of my time I've wasted trying to convince myself that I do not need to be studying for the matriculation exams right at this very moment... On the other hand I've been playing a lot, written things, painted one piece almost ready to go on my wall, watched a bunch movies and series.
After my skype-conversation with Keela last night it came to me that if one of you guys would like to entertain themselves with some quality horror and doesn't necessary mind not understanding the language spoken, I'd highly recommend you watch an episode of a Japanese variety-show in which they collect horror-footage from around the world to a single show where they watch those clips with a rather small group of people in a studio. I'd say even non-believers will surely find at least one bone-chilling clip, and at least I've noticed that sometimes when I'm alone at home I tend to look over my shoulders a bit more often that normally I would. : D

Something fun that me and my dad did recently was one of those personality-tests. I did it on the internet, but we also have the same test on paper (I just have no idea where it's been put). It made me smile when I read the description of my results how I couldn't really deny any of it being inaccurate. Then again it surprised me that how personalities really do not always come from your parents; my parents and I all got very different results in who had what kind of a personality. I'm going to put a link to that test here if anyone of you guys would like to test how accurate the results of that test are. In my case the results were 100% accurate!
Minimateriaalista onnea tälle viikolle: sain mun tilauksen, jossa mulle tuli 2 lipstain tuotetta, musta onepiece puku, josta en oo hoksannu ottaa kuvia ja sit vielä pari special effects meikkiin tarvittavaa juttua tuli eilen postiin. Muista en kauheana ala selittään, mutta sen sanon noista lipstain jutuista, että ne on kyllä aivan ihana tuote ja en ymmärrä miksi en aikasemmin oo kokeillu sellasia. Ne siis on erilainen tuote ku huulipuna ja nämä lipstain jutut on sellasia että niitten kulumisesta päivän aikana ei ainakaan mun kokemuksen mukaan tarvi huolehtia. Ne on tosi "vetisiä", mutta niissä on tosi hyvä pigmentti ja mun mielestä värit on sitä mitä ne on siinä pullossaki.
Small materialistic happiness for this week: I got my two lipstains, a black onepiece suit (which of didn't notice to take pictures of yet), and two special effects makeup props. I won't talk in detail about he other products yet (I mgiht talk about them more when I get to use them more) but I have to tell you guys about the lipstains. I love them! I don't know why I only tried them now. They are very different kind of a product then a lipstick and you don't really, as far as my own experience goes, need to worry about them fading during the day. They are really "watery" but they have a great color payoff!
Eiii mulla kauheana muuta taija tälle viikolle. : ) Koittakaa jaksaa, vaikka suurimmalla osalla loma loppuuki tässä piakkoin. Kyllä tämä tästä!
I guess that's all for this week. Try to hold on even though to most of you summer vacation is about to end. Everything will be fine!
Toivottavasti ei tipahtanu ENTJ. Vai oliko edes MBTI?
VastaaPoistaSinulle vai minulle ENTJ tai MBTI? Jos mietit että kuulunko mää kumpaakaan noista ryhmistä niin vaistaus on ei. : D mää taijan olla aika kaukana noista. : )