I don't feel like you need to know to any detail how my schools days have been, so I'm just going to put it shortly: tiring, annoying, awkward with the combination of feeling extremely nauseous half of the time.
Sounds delightful, does it not? I know that the reason behind this week being such a pain in the ass is because I have yet to adapt to the school-week-routine. I wish that this adaption will happen shortly, or else I'm going to throw in the towel and escape to Mars.
Nothing all too miraculous has happened nor do I really have some news to report to you about. I did try to take a couple OOTD pictures, because I'm starting to think that putting some of my "outfit of the days" here might be something fun to see every now and then. ..Maybe? Maybe, just maybe some people might even be inspired by some outfits that I put on.
I had to plan a simple makeup to school and this is the result. |
Nope it is not bright at all nor is Bono photobombing me.
Extra (pictures I totally forgot about):
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Buried Keela into the bed one morning 'cause I'm such a good friend <3 |
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I don't always go out without makeup, but when I do, I look like a homeless person. |
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Bono having a conversation with himself. |

It's been over a week now that I've had this gorgeous piece of art on my back and now that it really has started to heal and thus not bother me so much anymore, I'm nearly jumping out of joy for having it! Not a single regret and I can't wait until it's fully healed so that I won't need to be as careful with it as I am now.
Oh yes!!!! We got out "senior (abi) sweaters" this week! I think it looks awesome and big thanks to our biology teacher who drew the picture printed on the shirt! : )
Just to get at least something random into this update... I freaking had a dream where I had a messed up relationship with slenderman. If you don't know who slenderman is, you really need to crawl out of your cave and check it out. But really... a very not-okay relationship with Slendy... *shivers* my god, what is my brain doing showing me stuff like that!? D:
*cough* Well, I need to go plan my outfit and stuff for tomorrow, since I'm going to Oulu to meet up with Kata & Merituulia.. : D See you next weekend!
Byeeee! <3
Ihania asuja, saako udella mistä toi ekan kuvan jumalainen takki on? * o * Oon etsinyt vastaavanlaista tässä neljä vuotta jo, eikä mistään löydy, yhyy.
VastaaPoistaMiksi vaihdoit kielen takas enkuksi? :o Sun englanti on kyllä loistavaa, joten ei siinä mitään. Kunhan ihmettelen.
+ vähän söpö abihuppari !
Tuon jumalaisen takin alkuperästä mulla ei oo mitään käryä ikävä kyllä : < Se on joku aarre minkä mun sisko jätti mulle löydettäväksi ku se muutti pois kotoa ja mää oon ottanu siitä kaiken mahdollisen hyödyn irti. Iteki itseasiassa koitan kalastella toista navy-tyylistä takkia/jakkua jostaki, mutta niitä on kyllä uskomattoman vaikea löytää!
PoistaSyy kielen vaihtamiseen enkuksi mainittin jo kahessa aikasemmassa merkinnässä, mutta pähkinän kuoressa; se on ihan englannin yo-koetta varten harjoitusta. : D koitan saaha kaikki pieneimmätki asiat nyt tehtyä englanniksi niin tulis sellasta rutiinia. : ) Melko varmasti vaihan takasin suomeen sen jälkeen ku kirjotuksen on loppunu tai jos sitä kovasti pyydetään. seki on toki mahdollista että kirjotan merkinnän sekä enkuksi ja suomeksi. ^^
Ja eikö ookki!!! Meän biologian ope on aivan mahtava ku se teki meille tuon kuvan! ; )
I love your outfits. I went to a school where we had to wear uniforms so the most fun I had was bright makeup. I love reading your blog posts ^^ It sucks about your stomach though, I hope you don't have those same problems next week.
VastaaPoistaThank you very much!!! : D I'd never be able to go by the rules if I were to go to a school with a uniform... : < and/or rules about how much makeup you can wear and/or how you can dye your hair. :''D I would probably die from loss of imagination.
PoistaI'm so glad you enjoy reading my blog! Hearing things like that seriously makes my day! : )
I hope so too. : ) But today I'm feeling a bit better and I'm ready to rock the hell out of my black rockabilly dress with my pals! ; ) I truly hope you'll have a great weekend too!!!!