Why am I so pissed over something like that? Because of many reasons; I've wanted those damn shoes for almost a year now, I ordered them _five_ weeks ago and they were supposed to have full stock of every damn size (so sending them back to get a better sized pair shouldn't have been a problem, I freaking motivated myself to go to work in the Summer for these shoes and when I had to send them back (which was not something I would've wanted to do) I convinced myself that I'd get a new, better pair in a week or so.
So not only did I not get the shoes after over a month of waiting, but now it's also impossible to get these shoes from Europe that would cost me less than 230€. In the States I could find them in many different stores and they'd cost "only" 150-170€, but ordering them here would mean they'd be sent through the customs (nice extra pay of 50-60€ because of that). I'm really not amused by this. They are shoes that I desperately want, but I can't afford to pay more than 200€ for shoes fully out of my own paycheck! To hell with this shit.... I'm pissed-the-fuck-off.
Moving on from that crap. *sigh*
I made the decision to dye my hair some other color than black (actually I'm writing this with bleach in my hair). The color that I will try to go for is going to be a bit of a surprise to some, I can imagine, but oh well. I am trying achieve pink hair! Actual pink hair, not the failure of a purple that I had in the spring, but more of a bubblegum pink-color.
The only thing I am remotely worried about is the amount of bleaching that I'll need to do... I've had my hair black for almost a year now (I am not counting in the short period of purple hair), so the color is needless to say _stuck_ to my hair. I hope two a bit rough bleaches will do.
I know I will have to postpone my dream of growing out my hair for a bit longer and just force myself to cut a bit off. I hope that since I'll cut this after bleaching I'll be able to give it back a bit of strength so that it wouldn't take a forever for it it to grow. Let's hope the "Biotiini" will also help with the growing back.
*a little latter added pictures*
Aspromised, I'll show you the rest of the nail stuff that I got! They arrived a few days ago and I'm very impatient to try them on! Now I have so many options how to do my nails that it's starting to be a bit of a problem... :'DDD
There they are, in all of their glory, my nail crap! : D The 72 glitter pots are the newest addition. One day hopefully I'll actually have tested them all! You're going to have to wait for that, though. A bit too much work to go through all of them at the moment.... XD
Last weeked were the...umm... Venetsialaiset (I have no clue what the "event" is called in English). At least at my house it's been a tradition to light up candles outside on that evening and even though I was practically home alone the whole night I decided that the tradition needs to be honored! ...Actually I just really wanted to light candles outside.... They just make everything look so much more welcoming.
So that's a part of how it looked like outside on Saturday night.
That's really about all that I got for this week. Sorry. : < It really, really has been a bad week for me, but let's hope next week I can show you guys the new hair color and some other stuff too!
See you then! BYE!!! <3
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