
Once again... :'D

I'm skipping update this week again... :'D Sorry. I'm going to be really busy AGAIN for the next two or three weeks, so I'm not sure how many updates will be coming up, but after all the hassle dies down I'm sure I'll have longer update for you guys.



I have had such an incredibly bad week.. And the week isn't over yet and I really hope Saturday and Sunday aren't going to suck as bad as these other days have...

Thanks to me having a bad week I'm opting out of talking about this week and I'm just quickly going to tell you guys about the two weeks previous, which were awesome!

So two weeks ago the university students from Japan were still here (they left about a week ago now). On Friday we met up at the supermarket near my place, bought some food and drink and we decided to have a fun girl's night. It was pretty cool; I made us all some pasta, we drank quite a bit, we talked a lot and we had a lot of fun! 
On Saturday some of the girls came to my home (home-home, not apartment). We went for a walk in the forest, we went to the sauna, we ate, we talked.. Again we had fun! :D I honestly don't remember when I had some much fun so often... :''D 
Then last week, which was the last week the students were here, we went to an Okonomi-yaki party! Apparently the girls had run into a Japanese man in a supermarket and he had invited them over for home made Okonomi-yaki and they invited me to go with them. :'D Sounds pretty weird, right... A total stranger invites a group of girls over to his place for Okonomi-yaki... :''DDDDD But nevertheless we did go and it actually was pretty damn amazing! I never would have thought I'd go to a complete strangers place without knowing anything about them to eat and to drink, but I guess there's a first time for everything.... ;D The Okonomi-yaki party was the perfect farewell party to the girls and I have to say I was pretty damn sad when I left the hotel after walking back with the girls and had to head back to my apartment.. ;'( 
On Saturday most of the students had already left early that morning. I met up with the remaining students and we sat around the hotel they stayed at, we went to accompany some of the students to the bus stop when they needed to leave for the airport and then we went for sushi. :D 
That's a really short explanation of what I did these past two weeks, but hey I'm tired and I get sad when I think about how much I'll miss everyone.. So that's all you're gonna get.. :'D

Though this week has sucked and the horizon doesn't look too bright I did/will film some looks for Halloween. I already filmed one, or actually two looks today and I'll maybe film another one tomorrow. Here's a sneak peek: 

On Sunday I gotta go to work and I'll probably go see a movie with Kata :D

Here are some other pictures:

Alrighty that's all for now

See ya! <3



Update coming next week!!!!


The moon is always full + Apartment

Okay! What a week! Holy crap!

I've been crazy busy! And I'm still going be crazy busy for a while now... :D I'll probably be running on fumes by the end of this...

But though I've been really busy and that's been a little rough I've had some of the best time ever!

So this week we welcomed the new students coming to study English Philology in Oulu University. So we, the student tutors have been pretty busy with everything that's happening with the new students coming in and stuff. And this week 25 university students from Japan came to Oulu as well to participate in Scandinavian Studies (and I'm also tutoring a group of those students). Aaand of course, I've been going to work as well. :D It's been pretty hectic! 
Now if you've been around for a while you may know that I've been to Japan once; last year and that experience was amazing! For the longest time I've really been interested in Japanese culture, history, media, etc. Actually being able to talk with the Japanese university students that have come here is just such an amazing experience and I'm beyond grateful to have this opportunity. This week we went to the Air guitar world championship event that's held here in Oulu every year and that was a lot of fun, though the weather sucked so bad.... And yesterday a group of the students came here to my apartment and we talked for hours about all kinds of stuff and it was so cool! I was so freaking nervous about my Japanese (like would they be able to understand me, would be able to keep up with the conversations, etc.), especially since I've never studies Japanese before, but likely it all went really well. I'm honestly so incredibly happy with being able to get to know these students! 
And this will give me a pretty nice foundation for when my Japanese studies start in a few weeks! Hopefully I'll finally learn how to read and write........ :''D
(ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง
I was requested to do an update about my apartment decor, and I'll do that in this update but before getting into all of that I'll just put some other pictures here.
But now!
Here are some pictures of my apartment:
 I got this really cool moon "poster" thing from eBay! It's one of those things that gathers light and shines at night!!! <3 It's so cool! And I love looking at the moon! And now I always have a full moon to look at!!!!!! ლζ*♡ε♡*ζლ

Alright that's about it! 

See you next time!!! <3



I'LL UPDATE NEXT WEEK!!! Way too busy right now to write an update!!!


Sometimes you just gotta go with it + Halloween 2015

I am going to be so freaking busy until like the 7th of September... I have so much stuff going on that I'm stressed out to the point that half the time I don't know what exactly is it that is making me bash my head against the wall... I'm like hysterical more than anything, I've crossed over the line of "hey a little stress is healthy" to the point of "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA WHAT MORE STUFF TO DO?? SUUURE SOUNDS LIKE A LEGIT PLAN!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA" :)))

So that is going to be happening for the next few weeks/a month... :)) I have so much Uni stuff going on that I'm nearly ripping my hair out... I just got another assignment that I have to get done (but luckily I'm so pro I've already done like 50% of it), I'm going to be a tutor for a group of new students that are starting their English Philology studies at Oulu Uni and I'm also going to be tutoring a group of Japanese university students for three weeks. Also my own regular courses are going be starting back up in early September (thank goodness I don't have that many courses that I need to get done compared to last year...!!) and I'm also going to be working after lectures. I'm going to be pretty busy at least for a bit... :'D
I'm hoping all of this won't get too overwhelming but hey, at least my curriculum isn't as shitty as it was last year and since I have a nice job now I can really maybe stop worrying for like two seconds about life and stuff and things. *fingers crossed*

Enough about that though :'D

Since summer is (unfortunately) almost over I decided that it was about time to get a few new things so that I can survive the Autumn weather, etc. :)

My old shoes were falling apart so I got two pairs of shoes:
A shirt & a top:
This thing that is my new favorite accessory!!: 
 And got the Directions color in Mandarin to keep up my orange:
Oh and I lost my jacket and my freaking belt that I loved (which was on that jacket) around Mid Summer's Eve!!! I've searched for it at my place and at home, but nope it's taken the freaking train to Narnia and it's not coming back.. So I might need to buy a new jacket soon as well. Goddamn it.

By the way have you guys seen any shooting stars lately? :D There's supposed to be(/or was (I dunno)) a high chance of seeing shooting stars at night! Naturally when I heard about this I immediately decided that I'd totally spend a night on my balcony just staring at the sky and I actually managed to see a few the night before! :) 
Oh hey and I've started planning on this year's Halloween videos. Now you might be thinking that I'm wayyyy early to hop on this train, but like I explained before I'm going to be wayyyy busy for sometime now ---> prompting me to start planning Halloween really, really early this year. I've already actually even filmed two videos BUT I won't be uploading them until like September/October. I still have like five more looks/things planned and hopefully I'll get those videos done asap as well. Depending on how many videos I can get done I'll start posting them to YouTube maybe even in mid September (I'll probably post one video per week, so the more I get them done the earlier I'll start posting them). 

Here's a sneak peak to the first two looks:

Alright, I think that's about all for now...

See ya next time!!! <3