Hello! I thought about making this update yesterday, but than I decided not to and I'm glad I did! ; ) The reason why I'm glad I didn't update yesterday is because I made a video today and I'll now be able to post it to this weeks update (though this is all hanging on to how dreadfully long it's going to take this time for the video to upload to YouTube and I still have to edit some bits). Now that I'm saving the enormous video file to my computer for the first time I suppose it's all the same to write the update now. : D I hope that by the time I've written everything in here I'll be able to start uploading the video to YouTube so publishing this update won't be moved to until tomorrow... Oh well for You the reader it's all the same, since either way You'll only get to read this when I publish it! ; )
It's been a week now since the last of my matriculation exams and it's been a little weird just being at home and not having to do much of anything. Sure I did need to return my pictured to the art class at school and so on, but at least now I have all the necessary courses and it's not really under question whether I'll graduate or not. : ) So now the situation is pretty damn good.
Tällä viikolla ostin itelle uusia lankoja aika paljon että saan tekastua itelleni uuen kaulahuivin ja sitte säärystimet talveksi, jotka ei oo ihan järkyttävän väriset. : D Kahet uudet parit kenkiä kans ostettiin tällä viikolla nimittäin mun viime ja toissa vuoden talvikengät on ihan muusina. Eikä pidä unohtaa mun uutta ihanaa ystävää "Skinny Me Jr."!!
This week I bought new thread(?)s (I think that's the right word for it) to make myself a new scarf and leg warmers that are not made of dreadful colors. : D Also bought two new pairs of shoes this week since my winter shoes for the past two years are completely thrashed. And one must not forget about my new lovely friend "Skinny Me Jr."!!
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It's impossible to get a good picture of him ;--; |
Tässä on uudet hoitoainevärit joita käytän näihin mun nyt punasiin latvoihin: Directions värit ja "Rubine" on se sävy mikä mulla on. Tässä on kans tuo mun Directions "Fire" väri, johon sekotin hoitoainetta, mutta tässä kuvassa en vielä oo sekottanu siihen lisäksi vähän tuota rubine väriä. Sekotin siihen sitä myöhemmin ja nyt mulla on kolme kokonaista purkillista noita värejä kun lisäsin hoitoainetta niihin ja ne on kaikki aikalailla saman viininpunasen sävysiä (niin kun niitten pitäiski olla).
Here are my new conditioning hairdyes for my red ends: Directions colors in "Rubine". Also my Directions "Fire" color, which I've already mixed with conditioner. In this picture I haven't yet mixed Fire with Rubine, which I did later and now I have three full jars of hairdyes mixed with conditioner. They are all pretty much the same shade of wine red, though the one with he Fire, Rubine and conditioner mixed in it has a bit more of an orange tone to it then the two others.
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From the left are the Rubine colors and on the right side is the Fire color |
Tältä näyttää mun latvat nyt kun oon kertaalleen pistäny tuota rubine-fire-hoitoaine-sekotusta näihin.
Here's what my ends look now that I've put the mixture of conditioner, fire and rubine on them once.
Tässä on sitte se tämän viikon video; vähän tällanen sarjakuva "Zombi" tästä tais tulla. : D Oli kyllä niin super raivostuttava pestä tämä pois.... Sai hinkata meikin puhdistusaineella oikein olan takaa..
Here's this weeks video; a sort of cartoon "Zombie" I guess. : D This was a huge pain to wash out.. I really had to scrub this off with makeup-remover..
This is it for this week, see you next time!! : )
Bye bye! <3
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