Hellou again :'D It feels like it was a long time ago since I last updated, but it really hasn't been that long at all. Not much has happened since the last update, the biggest happening was the matriculation exams which are now officially over from my part!! Thank God!!
After the exams, aka. on Friday after I got home, I didn't start celebrating immediately; I had to finish a project for my art class, which I'll try to return sometime this starting week. After I've returned that project all things school-vise should be done for my part!! : )
When dyed my roots a little accident happened and my very blonde roots turned grey (I use a black-blue hairdye for my roots and when I washed the color off it stained my ends and made them grey). I fixed the problem by then dying my ends red, though I had planned on dying them red much, much later. The end result is good and I guess I had some luck with this accident. : )
I talked about making Halloween-videos now that the exams are over so I started by making one today. It took quite a while to figure out what look I wanted to do and then I thought I haven't done a Marie Antoinette inspired look yet, so that's where this idea came from! :'D I'll try to keep the videos coming quite often, but I don't want it to feel like "work" so I can't quite say just how often I'll post them to YouTube and from there to this blog.
Vielä pitää mainita tuosta Skindinavian "Makeup Finishing spray", joka saapui kotosalle tässä aika äskettäin. Varsin hyvä lisäys mun meikkitarvikkeisiin ja en tiiä miten oon joskus eläny ilman noita tuotteita. :'D Ainoa miinus mikä oli tuossa hommassa kun sen tilasin että sen saapumiseen meni tooosi kauan, mikä pisti kyllä potuttamaan aika äkkiä, mutta tuotteesta itessään ei oo mitään muuta ku positiivista sanottavaa. ; )
I still have to mention the Skindinavia "Makeup Finishing Spray", that I got a little while ago. It's a very good addition to my makeup kit and I'm not quite sure how I survived without a product like that before. :'D The only negative thing I have to say about this deal is that it took a really long time for the product to arrive and that made me sort of irritated, but I have nothing negative to say about the product! ; )
See you next week!!
Bye bye!! <3