This was oddly an awful day for me. The test went so badly that I really don't even want to talk about it. Other than that the school day was okay. I had time to write my story and time to hangout with my friends and so on, but the test ruined it.
Usually I go to school and come back from school with my dad, but because he's out of town for today and tomorrow, I had to go to school by bus. That wasn't too bad, because there wasn't that many people on the bus in the morning, but when I left school it was mostly annoying. The bus was full and there was a child who cried the whole ride. What made it wors ewas that I was starting to get hungry. My school is about 15-16 km from my place, so the ride there usually takes about 15-25 minutes, but it took the bus 50 minutes to get back from there!!
As soon as I came home I had to take the dogs out for a couple minutes, then I had to make dinner for myself in about 7 minutes and then give the dogs their food. So didn't even have time to take off my shoes... I was fairly pissed already after that. I had to cleanup the kitchen before taking the dogs for a walk. This was the first time I took both of them out at the same time and it was a disaster! The ground was slightly frozen, so it was quite slippery and I had two dogs, one in both hands. They both pulled me hard and it was hard to keep my balance. Then when a couple other dogs were getting closer I had to pull my dogs so hard closer to me that I couln't feel my hands for the rest of the walk... And the younger dog was too excited to do his business, so now I have to sit at home waiting him to start crying by the door for me to let him go outside. THIS SUCKS SO BAD! AND I'm hungry, 'cause I didn't have time to eat much... This might have been worse day than monday was... which in my case is odd.
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