2012 theory, what do you think about it?
Hmm, I just can't resist on talknig about it:
The year 2012 is the year of the END, or is it? I doupt it. Sorru, but I do. We've had the media tell us about the doomsday coming many times before, like in 2001. Did the world end? No. Terrible things DID happen, but we're stilla live and kicking. As far as I know everyone in the world doesn't follow the same calendar as we do. I've heard that some people are way ahead in the year 3000 and we're still back in the year 2010? And the end will come in the year 2012. So... When will it come to sthose people? No, I'm not going to start arguing about it, because I'm not a scientist and can't prove my way of seeing things in any way, but I can tell you that I don't believe in that crap.
Surely enough there has been a lot talk about "Global warming" and such, but it is a fact that these kinds of things have happened before on Earth and they were not caused by humans in any way. We've had many Ice Ages, which had nothing to do with us polluting the air. It's true that humans have done damage to the Earth, but if you turn the table and look at things from another point, you should be able to see that things aren't that black and white. Once a comedian George Carlin said that the globe has been thru much worse than us. "And we think that some aluminium cans and plastic bag's will make a difference?" No. Did you know that over 90% of the creatures that lived on the Earth died before the humans even existed?
"The planet is fine, the PEOPLE are fucked!" -Now that's what I will agree to! Let's say that the END will come in 2012. If that's really the case, I hope it'll be fast. To me it doesn't matter that much as long as it happens fast. : /
OH YEAH! Don't you think it's werid that the scients that are telling us that the Earth is dying, never prove it outside of the lab that they work in. They tell us that it's happening, but refuse to give us solid prof. Now let's say that they are right (though I doupt that one too), the globe is warming up.
And somehow we'll all die in 2012? Riiiiight....? And all this fuss for a culture that had a calendar saying we're all going to die? Great. Aren't we happy? ^^ We keep on talking about it and making sure that everyone is scared. I'd rather live in peace and have fun, and have the END come from behind the tree. I don't want to pstart panicking about something that MIGHT happen two years from now! Not that smart now is it? I don't think it is.
Something mught happen in 2012, but I don't think that we'll die. We might have some problems and hard times, but for all of us to die? Isn't that a bit far fetched? Now there are some scientists who say thet the Mayan calendar might be off. They're saying that the doomsday according to the calendar might have happened over 500 year ago, or it might happen 10 years from now, OR 100 OR 500 OR 1000 years from now. Very reliable calendar, if I may say so...
All I have to say for today. Something to think about on what do YOU want to believe. : 33 Sorry for the quite dark blog, but I just had to get it off my chest. : (
01.01.2013 I'm going to wakeup and shout as hard as I can "FAIL!!!!!!!"

Well... I have nothing to write about today : (
Finally today we got some snow, though and I did a cosplay-kind-of-thingy-makeup. It was inspired by Black Lagoon's Balalaika (also known as Fry Face). She's my all time favourite female anime character. She's so cool and though. : 33 So I just had to try her look. She has this huge brunt mark on her face, which I did but had a little troule with it. I don't have the theatrical makeup to make it look real, so I just worked with what I had. I also don't have gorgeous long blond hair... I have bright red short hair... So that was also a problem. That's why I can't really caal it a cosplay look, 'cause it would fail miserably for a cosplay, but it's kind of like Balalaika inspired look. She also had short hair and wore a hat, and an army uniform when she was still in the military, so I decided to try and mimic that look of her.
So this is how it ended up.
FRIDAY!!! part.2
Okay, now I'm just bored... It's Friday and I'm bored... I'm just watching a game walkthrough from YouTube. Yeah... I'm watching how someone is playing a game from the begging to the end. Really a lot of fun... I do love the game that I'm watching, but I don't have it and I can't play it, so it's a bit dull. I was thinknig about watching a horror movie, but I just can't seem to find any good ones.
My mom and dad are yet again doing some remodelling to our house and now they're ripping the floor off from our livingroom. It's getting a bit hard to breath because all the dust flying around. Actually our livingroom looks really hazy and grey. X'D But it should look really cool after the whole project is done. ^^ Can't wait for it!
Ah, I love Creature Feature by the way! ♥ Their songs are addicting! Specially the song called "Gorey Demise". : 3 I just can't stop listening to it. I actually did a photoshoot inspired by the themes they use in their songs. (yeah the pics were... odd) X'D
Sorry I have no other life than keep randomly updating my blog... : (
Friday to me is obviously the BEST day if the week! Mostly becasue I don't need to get up early or sit in a classroom. Today was quite fun. : 3
Me and My friends made up some weird jokes. X'D We do that all the time, but todays were just special. We have a habbit of waving our hands to everyone from our class. You know, just to see if they wave back. (Totally cool and awesome, right >_____>) But actually it's a lot of fun X'D Everytime some doesn't wave back we say that they are broken. Funny thing is that there's justa couple guys who don't wave back at us, and we say that they are broken and rotting. They just laugh at us and we laugh at them. : 3 Anyway! Today I just declared that if the guy doesn't wave back at us, ever, he has AIDS. (don't be offended by the joke! not ment to be an insultment to anyone!). And if the guy just sometimes waves back he has HIV. It was a really weird joke X'D but oh, we had fun. And so did the guys. X'''D
Owh... Don't feel like writing now... Too much to do an a Friday! X'D I'll write later. : 3
Friday to me is obviously the BEST day if the week! Mostly becasue I don't need to get up early or sit in a classroom. Today was quite fun. : 3
Me and My friends made up some weird jokes. X'D We do that all the time, but todays were just special. We have a habbit of waving our hands to everyone from our class. You know, just to see if they wave back. (Totally cool and awesome, right >_____>) But actually it's a lot of fun X'D Everytime some doesn't wave back we say that they are broken. Funny thing is that there's justa couple guys who don't wave back at us, and we say that they are broken and rotting. They just laugh at us and we laugh at them. : 3 Anyway! Today I just declared that if the guy doesn't wave back at us, ever, he has AIDS. (don't be offended by the joke! not ment to be an insultment to anyone!). And if the guy just sometimes waves back he has HIV. It was a really weird joke X'D but oh, we had fun. And so did the guys. X'''D
Owh... Don't feel like writing now... Too much to do an a Friday! X'D I'll write later. : 3
Now I have time to write a proper blog!! ♥ Today was pretty good. : 3 Though the weather yet again was bad. I just came home from school and now I'm making dinner for myself, because I didn't say to eat at school. I don't really like the school's food... It tastes weird. Sure it's healthy, but it tastes bizarre. Anyhow! We didn't have much at home to work with ;____; so I had to make something simple.
But no one really cares about what I ate today. Like I said before, or I think I said it before, I'm a horror fanatic. Not only a horror fan in the paranormal meaning, but I'm also very interested in killers and such. And when I say I'm interested in them I don't mean that I ADMIRE THEM IN ANYWAY. It's the opposite. I truly hate what,(for example), Charles Mason did. Somehow I still find the stories interesting. I've been watching documents about him, Jack the Ripper and many other killers and murderes the are. I hate to say it, but I've noticed that most of the time the killers are charming in a way and very good with people. If you weren't good with people, you wouldn't be able to manipulate so many humans. It's a bit disgusting... Some days I really wish I get to meet a murderer and really smack him or her in the face, shake the person around and tell him or her to wake up from their own little world. What they do is wrong. In every way! : ( But I'm still interested in them... I'm weird... X'D OH! gotta go get the dinner out of the owen!
Today wasn't actually too bad. Although it was raining and I don't like the rain. Well I do LIKE the rain, but only if the rain is really pouring down. Today the rain was more like wet mist... Which is annoying. First of all my hair was all curly, because it was so moist and second it was really cold when it started to rain! I love thunder storms, I'm crazy about them. It's funny how I don't really like the sun eighter. It's always too hot and I get a headache really fast. (one of the reasons I'm pale as snow)
Anyway! Today wasn't that bad. The school day wasn't too long and I had only 2 classes today. Now I'm just tired, but I promised to edit some pictures for my friend today so... Can't go take a nap yet! I don't really feel like writing today : ( So, I'll write tomorrow more (if I'll feel like it.. ^^'')
Anyway! Today wasn't that bad. The school day wasn't too long and I had only 2 classes today. Now I'm just tired, but I promised to edit some pictures for my friend today so... Can't go take a nap yet! I don't really feel like writing today : ( So, I'll write tomorrow more (if I'll feel like it.. ^^'')
Oh dear Tuesday...

This was oddly an awful day for me. The test went so badly that I really don't even want to talk about it. Other than that the school day was okay. I had time to write my story and time to hangout with my friends and so on, but the test ruined it.
Usually I go to school and come back from school with my dad, but because he's out of town for today and tomorrow, I had to go to school by bus. That wasn't too bad, because there wasn't that many people on the bus in the morning, but when I left school it was mostly annoying. The bus was full and there was a child who cried the whole ride. What made it wors ewas that I was starting to get hungry. My school is about 15-16 km from my place, so the ride there usually takes about 15-25 minutes, but it took the bus 50 minutes to get back from there!!
As soon as I came home I had to take the dogs out for a couple minutes, then I had to make dinner for myself in about 7 minutes and then give the dogs their food. So didn't even have time to take off my shoes... I was fairly pissed already after that. I had to cleanup the kitchen before taking the dogs for a walk. This was the first time I took both of them out at the same time and it was a disaster! The ground was slightly frozen, so it was quite slippery and I had two dogs, one in both hands. They both pulled me hard and it was hard to keep my balance. Then when a couple other dogs were getting closer I had to pull my dogs so hard closer to me that I couln't feel my hands for the rest of the walk... And the younger dog was too excited to do his business, so now I have to sit at home waiting him to start crying by the door for me to let him go outside. THIS SUCKS SO BAD! AND I'm hungry, 'cause I didn't have time to eat much... This might have been worse day than monday was... which in my case is odd.
Monday, tha bad day...

Well it's the always-so-freaking-lovely Monday! I didn't sleep well (nothing new about it) and I was very tired in the morning. My alarmclock would have rang at 6.00am, but my dog woke me up at 4.50am and I couldn't sleep after that. I got up an put on my make up, clothes, did my hair, ate breakfest and still had way too much extra time. Ugh... Well school was... it was school. Boring lessons and stuff. I wasn't sure if one of my classes was really canceled or not, so I left early. ^^' Otherwise I would've had to wait for 3 and half hours at school to see if it was cancelled or not. So yeah... Can you blame me? ...guess you kinda can... X'D Well I hope that doesn't matter so much that I didn't go today. I've only been absent once before, so ... I think I'm okay. : 3
The terrible test is tomorrow!!! I have to practise the calculations today, at least for a little bit. Won't be that hard to do, so I'll try my best! ^^ But now I'll focus on watching videos from YouTube and writing a new story that came to my mind yesterday. : 33
UPDATED YOUTUBE YESTERDAY! ♥ Go see the vid! And leave me a comment ;_____; and subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJMVCbrjotY

My mom brought me a present. ♥ I don't know why, but she just did. It made my day. I'm still a bit uneasy with the test coming up, 'cause I just don't want to read to it. : ( Aaaaand I still feel bad about my friend leaving... I have a feeling I should talk to him while he's still on the msn, but I kind off don't want to do that because I already say bye yesterday.. *sigh* So... I'll do my best not to talk to him.
The vacation is over ;---;
The vacation is over. Or it will end today. Makes me feel quite sad. I'm really not too excited about going back to school, mostly because I have a test on Tuesday. Though it's good that I have only 5 courses this period, so it's not too rough.
Oh! If you're wondering what happened yestarday with the apologizing, here's what happened. So, it was quite late when he finally showed up. I was nervous and I had been crying for a long time, just because I was freaking out. So I apologized to him, and he didn't really even understand that what was I apologizing about. I explained that I felt horrible for being rude with him the day before and that I felt really terrible that I was so rude and we wouldn't be seeing each other for a long time, nor would we get to talk. He told me that everything was okay and that I had never made him feel sad, angry or anything like that at all. I felt a lot better after that, A LOT better. I told him that I would really miss him, 'cause he's one of my best friends. I was so tired from all the crying and stressing that I had to go to bed and saying "goodbye and have a safe trip" was so painful. I just really had to hold back my tears!
So I went to bed after that. I tried to think about everything else, but the though of having to say bye bye to a dear friend just made me feel so sad. I couldn't hold back tears for long and had to cry it out (Oh man I sound like a wuss!). I'm not a crybaby, but I'm quite sensitive... I have a huge heart (or at least I'm told that I have a huge heart), so saying bye to someone really pains me. Of course I know that if something ever happens I can still contact him, and I will see him and hopefully I'll at least see him before x-mas. Actually I'm quite sure of it.
Anywayz, I went to bed and cried a little. (sorry for jumping like from one thing to another) And then finally I fell asleep. I had nightmares yet again. I've been having them the whole week. This time they were all about my dear friends, him included. It was terrible. It all started out as a nice dream, with my and my pals shopping at a mall, bying some coo, clothes and stuff, but then it just all changed. People just started to disappear and everything just went wrong. My friends just died one by one until it was just me and him. Then he said something to me (can't remembr what it was) and he just hugged me, smiled and backed away. I was gonna run back to him, but then he just fell... IT was such a horrible dream!!! And I can't get it out of my head! *sob sob* I feel terrible...
P.S I've lost weight!!!!! ♥ Just had to tell you guys, 'cause I'm so happy for it. X'D
I'm just so sorry!
Didn't make a vid... Nor took any pictures... ^^'' uuuuuuuups.. We were too tired X'D Stayed up too late. I fell asleep at 3am. And the night wasn't too great for me. I kept having these nightmares and I constantly woke up. First of all it was too hot in the room, but removing the blanked made me feel somewhat uncertain. And I also accidentaly might have made someone angry yesterday. I felt so bad for it. I left a couple messages, but got no answer. So I sent another message in the morning asking for a chance to talk ('cause we won't be seeing each other for a while and I don't want this on my shoulders for a long period of time). Got a positive answer, so we're going to talk in the evening. And I'm nervous. I just want to say that I'm sorry, but still I feel like I'm being too presistant and annoying and also feel like I'm being hated. I can tell you that it isn't the best feeling in the world. I'm trying to figure out the way that I'm going to talk to him. That's what kept me up most of the night.
"Hey.. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry...--"
"I'm sorry.--"
"Hey.. How's it going? ..about what I said in the morning about wanting to talk to you. I wanted to say that I'm really sorry.--"
Having a little trouble here. I can't make up what to say. Sounds really stupid, but I can't help the tears coming to my eyes. I mean, I know I didn't really say anything that bad, nor that he was that angry but it just bugs me so bad! God I wish there was a way for me to tell him just how sorry I really am, but it's kinda hard to do with just messages. Damn it! Gotta pull myself together! I'm scared... I don't want to fight any more. I'm just sick of it. And I have this terrible feeling on the back of my mind that something I'll say today will just make things worse. What on earth am I supposed to do? I hope that saying that I'm sorry is enough... I just don't know what else to say. The problem comes when I'm asked that what am I sorry for. *sigh* too many things to be sorry about. I'm stupid aren't I? ^^ oh god I hope things will work out. I don't want to be hated. ;;-----;;
This is one of those "fuck my life" moments for me. The part that feels the worst right now is the waiting. I wish I'd get to say that I'm sorry already and just clear things up. IT'S SO HARD TO WAIT!!! I'm trying to resist the urge of sending another message saying what I have to say in that, 'cause I know the person who I want to apologize to is busy at the moment. And I don't want to spoil his whole day with this. .....shit I am so nervous and scared!!!!!
Halloween 2010
Okay so halloween 2010.... it was okay. : 3 Or rather it is okay. So me and my friends are still going to play games and watch horror movies. Luckily we have a friend who's not good with horror stuff, so we'll have a lot of fun scaring her. X''DDD Or at least we'll jhave great time trying. WE have already scared her once pretty well. ; ) And it was fun to do. So anywayz! About the costumes, I, myself dressed as a nurse. (yeah... sounds weird) and my other friend has a kigurumi on, which I made, and the other friend is wearing my lolita dress. : 33 WE look cute X'D Can't really make a blog taht long now, 'cause my friends are waiting, but hope you won't mind. I'll write a proper blog tomorrow. And I'll also try to get some pictures of us and maybe even a video to Youtube. : ) So look forward to that. ^^
What's going on?

What is going on inside of a man's brain. That's something I'd like to know. Maybe not everything that's in there, but somethings. Like what do they think of a woman. Do they know women are sensitive? And don't really like being used or just toyed with?Let's say that thy do know that, but then why don't they stop acting like that? I can tell you from experience that even though I know I'm stupid to trust a certain poerson, I do and I'm very well aware of the fact that I don't mean much to him, but still I always support him. I'm very blond in that way. I just refuse to hate him. Someone might call it love, but I disagree. It's kind off hard to understand my way of thinking I can admit that, but still. Shouldn't there still be some kind of awareness to how I feel?
Anywayz. (Enough with the angst) Tommorow I'm having kind of like a halloween party, even though we here in Finland don't really have halloween. Not going to happen much though. We're just going to dress up a little and what horror movies and stuff. Should be fun. : 3 I still don't have any idea that what I'm going to wear! Should start looking for some cool clothes. And now I think I'll watcha horro movie just for fun. ^^
P.S Oh god my legs and my back are IN SERIOUS PAIN!!!!!
Paranormal activity 2... Not that great as I though it would be. Sure it had a couple good scares, but the ending... SUCKED. It made no sence that the woman from the first movie just came there and killed the parents and then just took the infant with her. First off all, what the hell happened to the baby and I'd like to know what happened to the girl after it. I mean she must have suffered great trauma from it. What happened to them after it? It's bugging me that I don't know. I guess they'll make a third movie. Hopefully that one doesn't suck like these first two did. (By the way I'm a horror freak, I usually just watch horror movies, write horror stories, draw horror stuff, etc... ^^'') Well, I have to stop writing/updating the blog now, because me and my friend are going to watch more scary stuff and urban legends from the internet X'D
Getting ready to go the movies. Me and my friend are gonna go watch Paranormal Activity 2. --->
Not my day!

This day was terrible! Everything just went wrong today...
At first I had planned to sleep 'till 10am, but my parents woke me up at 7 am. I had gone to bed at 2am (was feeling sick from yesterday's little message), so I was fairly tired in the morning and very grumpy. I thought I would have plenty time to get dressed, put on my makeup and sit on the computer before I had to catch the bus. things didn't go quite the way I had planned... I had to run to the bus stop (thank god I made it in time). Then I had forgotten to check the temperature outside before I left, so I was freezing pretty soon after I went outside. Turned out I was way too early and I had to wait for my friends for 40 minutes. Then I dropped my phone to the bus on the way back. (luckily I got it back!) Then I noticed that I had left my keys inside and the door was locked... Then just now I suddenly started to feel sick and I threw up like 10 times... This was not my day.
OH AND I COLORED MY HAIR BACK TO RED X'''DDD Though the red color that I have know is extremely bright and very vibrant. I love it! I think I've never had this funky and cool color in my hair. : 33
Stupid or stupid?
So... My day has been ruined my a single sentence. Not just ruined, but infact it made me so pissed off that I feel sick. Why am I so blind? I sent 40€ to a guy so that he could come see me. First I hear that he didn't actually need the money because he got a lift from his mom. And now his girlfriend is there with him? Are you kidding me? Okay... I knew that I shouldn't trust the guy to understand that he's making me go through hell here, BUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? The worst part is that, sence I do care about the guy (though not really in THAT way) I can't tell that I am quite pissed off. I'm trying to be kind and this is what I get?
Oh my god....
Damn! Mysteerisesti unohdin koko blogin olemassa olon.... *innocent laugh* Kappas kummaa.... No jos nyt alkaisi jälleen pitää blogia yllä. : 3 Voisi harkita melkeinpä englanniksi kirjoittamista, koska en tiiä... Se tuntuu.... Luonnollisemmalta. : DD
ANYHOW ( change to English starts now ----> (might find random Finnish words)
I've been updating my YouTube channel lately. (It was "dead" for quite awhile...) And now it's back to life. (So is my DeviantART channel, by the way ; 3) And yes this was important for you to know! Want to see me on video? Go to my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Riituuu Nevermind the old username... I have no memory of where the hell did it come from... ^^'' Just one of the millions nicknames that I have. : /
What new is going on with myself? NOTHING. There's nothing new and exciting going on with me. Though my hair has yet again changed (from bright red to white). And I've also added some dreads to my hair. : 33 Mind you though, they are a total pain... No new guys, just a couple of new friends, no great events (at least yet), nothing at all.
Well I am in upper secondary school now, though. But that's not such a great thing... ^^'' School is nearly always a pain in the ass. Atleast for me. I get stressed over it way too easily... And having 6 tests per week (5 times a year), is NOT easy for me. I made it through the first period okay, but I have a feeling this time it won't be so easy. : ( But I don't need to panic about it right now though. Why? Because of the HOLIDAYS! ♥ No school for another 6 days. *partytime*
The holidays are the best part of the year. Gadly each period has their own vacation; the first was right after summer vacation, second has the autumm vacation, the thrid has the x-mas, and so on. So the school is extremely rough, but at least we get to rest quite often. : 33
But yeah, gotta go make some tea! --->
ANYHOW ( change to English starts now ----> (might find random Finnish words)
I've been updating my YouTube channel lately. (It was "dead" for quite awhile...) And now it's back to life. (So is my DeviantART channel, by the way ; 3) And yes this was important for you to know! Want to see me on video? Go to my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Riituuu Nevermind the old username... I have no memory of where the hell did it come from... ^^'' Just one of the millions nicknames that I have. : /
What new is going on with myself? NOTHING. There's nothing new and exciting going on with me. Though my hair has yet again changed (from bright red to white). And I've also added some dreads to my hair. : 33 Mind you though, they are a total pain... No new guys, just a couple of new friends, no great events (at least yet), nothing at all.
Well I am in upper secondary school now, though. But that's not such a great thing... ^^'' School is nearly always a pain in the ass. Atleast for me. I get stressed over it way too easily... And having 6 tests per week (5 times a year), is NOT easy for me. I made it through the first period okay, but I have a feeling this time it won't be so easy. : ( But I don't need to panic about it right now though. Why? Because of the HOLIDAYS! ♥ No school for another 6 days. *partytime*
The holidays are the best part of the year. Gadly each period has their own vacation; the first was right after summer vacation, second has the autumm vacation, the thrid has the x-mas, and so on. So the school is extremely rough, but at least we get to rest quite often. : 33
But yeah, gotta go make some tea! --->
Tampere Here I Come~!
No niin, eilen sain "sponssiboksin" (= laatikko, jossa on 22 pussia noin 200g sisältäviä suklaapatukoita. Mm. Mars, TwiX, Snickers). Karkit piti olla myytynä, niin että raha on tilillä 4.4.-10, ja... TÄNÄÄN SIT TULI MYYTYÄ KAIKKI!! ♥ nyt autan paria meän luokkalaista myymään ne niiden ja muutenki ku tuli niin iso tilaus karkkeja, ettei mun omat siihen riitä. X''DDD
Et enköhän mää sinne Tampereelle pääse~ ♥
MM-m ♥
x''DD miiiiksi ihmiset koittaa ärsyttää toisiaan niin paljon ja yrittää päteä joka asiassa? HALOOOO~! Surullista ku ei tajuta millon pitää lopettaa. Tässä yhen kaverin kanssa totesin että niitä luonnostaan tyhmiä ihmisiä näyttää olevan olemassa, vaikka oletettiin et ne on kuollu sukupuuttoon. Miten ei muka tajua ku sanotaan et "anna olla" tai et "lopeta toi pääs aukominen, nolaat vaan ittes"!? Nojaaaaaaa~---
Yes yes... ♥
Hauskaa... Kun selvästi ilmottaa jollekin ihmiselle, ettei sulla ole aikomustakaan "tuntea" tätä kyseistä ihmistä, niin saat sitten tämä rakkaan ihmisen pikkusiskon perääs... Ahahhaahahaa.... tosiaan, ihanaa tämä elämä! 8 ]]
EDISTYSTÄ Final Fantasyssä tapahtu ihan hyvin, kunnes juoksin taas jonneki mistä en pääse pois. 8 33 ♥ Taitavaa! Anyhow! Pissed someone off yestersay, it seems... =_________='' great... ♥ Mutta kaikkihan on taas mun vika, eikö nii? ^^
EDISTYSTÄ Final Fantasyssä tapahtu ihan hyvin, kunnes juoksin taas jonneki mistä en pääse pois. 8 33 ♥ Taitavaa! Anyhow! Pissed someone off yestersay, it seems... =_________='' great... ♥ Mutta kaikkihan on taas mun vika, eikö nii? ^^
Ajattelinpa taas pitkästä aikaa pelata tuota Final Fantasy XII:tä. Oon jumittanu sen pelin kanssa kohta vuoden. Ihana peli, ei siinä mittään. Loistava grafiikka, mun mielestä hyvä taistelu-systeemi ja ihan siedettävä juoni. ja nyt tulee se aina niin rakastettu: MUTTA! Se peli on aivan saaairaan pitkä! Onhan se mukavaa sillee ainaki tekemistä riittää, mutta välillä kyllä menee hermot. Hahmot kehittyy tosi hitaasti ja kenttien tasoero on melko paha... 8 SS Nytkin mun pitäis vaan kävellä jostaki paikasta toiseen, mutta kun lähen sinne suuntaan niin saan juosta henkeni edestä takasin, etten kuolis. Välillä turhan vaikea peli. 8 /
Voisin kyllä melkeen pelata Fatal Frame 3:a, mutta se taas on niin kammottava että en ees näin päivän valossa halua pelata sitä yksin! X''DD SAD!
Guitar Heroa en yksinkertaisesti jaksa kokoajan rämpyttää...
...Ja Kingdom Hearts II on jo melkein läpi. Enää pitäis piestä Xemnasin persus, mutta blaaaaahhhh! Jollaki Rikulla jaksa tapella ku se on niin nooooob... =__________=
Voisin kyllä melkeen pelata Fatal Frame 3:a, mutta se taas on niin kammottava että en ees näin päivän valossa halua pelata sitä yksin! X''DD SAD!
Guitar Heroa en yksinkertaisesti jaksa kokoajan rämpyttää...
...Ja Kingdom Hearts II on jo melkein läpi. Enää pitäis piestä Xemnasin persus, mutta blaaaaahhhh! Jollaki Rikulla jaksa tapella ku se on niin nooooob... =__________=
Huomenta o..........o
Jestas mää VIHAAN painajaisia! Kuka ne alunperinkään keksi? ;;________;; Kuka se ikinä olikaan, on aivan talikka. En tykkää! No mikäs siinä, jos Suomeen tehdään terrori-isku ja lentokoneita tiputetaan mitähän 10kpl kaupungille. Toooosi kivaa~~! *www* MELKEIN OLIKI! Ja heti ku siitä heräsin, niin eiku toista unta putkeen... =_______= Eihän se sillee ollu paha ku oli mulla melkosen hawt pahis unessa, nimittäin Tagekami Teijirou (Jdorama Mr. Brain, episode 2), mutta sillee ei se mitenkään toisaalta siinä ihanaa ollu tulla kotia ja siellä sit tulla tapetuksi... *sigh*
TÄNÄÄN voisin tehä tosiaan tota mun aloittamaa kigurumia eteenpäin, ehkä melkein valmiiksi asti. Pitäis tehä porfoliotaki, mutta se nyt etenee vähän niin ja näin tässä aina kun sitä nyt vaan jaksaa tehä...
Jestas mää VIHAAN painajaisia! Kuka ne alunperinkään keksi? ;;________;; Kuka se ikinä olikaan, on aivan talikka. En tykkää! No mikäs siinä, jos Suomeen tehdään terrori-isku ja lentokoneita tiputetaan mitähän 10kpl kaupungille. Toooosi kivaa~~! *www* MELKEIN OLIKI! Ja heti ku siitä heräsin, niin eiku toista unta putkeen... =_______= Eihän se sillee ollu paha ku oli mulla melkosen hawt pahis unessa, nimittäin Tagekami Teijirou (Jdorama Mr. Brain, episode 2), mutta sillee ei se mitenkään toisaalta siinä ihanaa ollu tulla kotia ja siellä sit tulla tapetuksi... *sigh*
TÄNÄÄN voisin tehä tosiaan tota mun aloittamaa kigurumia eteenpäin, ehkä melkein valmiiksi asti. Pitäis tehä porfoliotaki, mutta se nyt etenee vähän niin ja näin tässä aina kun sitä nyt vaan jaksaa tehä...
No niiiiiiin!
Nyt sain sit homman pelittään ja pääsin kirjottaan jotakin. Uskomatonta, mutta totta! Tietenkään tällä hetkellä ei sitten tuu mitään mieleen, että mitäpä sitä kirjoittais, mutta nooooh~.
TAAS tuli mieleen tässä, että mihin kaikki ihmiset häviää nykyään? Tai ei ne välttämättä ihan "häviämisen" todellisessa merkityksessä häviä (siis katoa, ei "hävitä" niinku jossaki pelissä x'D)... Tarkemmin varmaan pitäis sanoa, että ihmiset muuttuu nyt niin kovaa vauhtia ettei niitä enää ees tunnista kavereikseen, mikä taas nyt on päivänselvästi aivan sairaan syvältä. Tottakai ihmiset muuttu! Niin muuttuu kaikki muuki, mutta se vauhti on sitte aivan toinen asia. Välillä tuntuu ettei ite pysy millään perässä.
Joskus muutos on hyvä juttu, muttei aina... Sillon ku tällanen muutos tapahtuu, niin ois ehkä hyvä ottaa huomioon ettei kaikki aina oo ihan yks yhteen sen asian kanssa. Ihmisiä tulee ja menee, muttei niistä kaikista voi pitää kiinni. Jos sattuu muuttumaan, niin joku sun vanha kaveri ei ehkä tykkää siitä. Sillon tilanne on vaan vähän niin että: voi, voi! Joskus pitää vaan antaa niille vanhoilleki tutuille tilaa ja vaikka päästää ihan kokonaanki irti.
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