Alright... Time for a proper update!!
As I was saying some time ago there had been something quite exiting going on and now I feel a little more comfortable talking about it. So what is this thing, you ask. Well... I was asked to be an addition to a group of make-up artists for a theater group. And of course I said yes! The theater group is relatively small and more hobby-based. I will be helping out as a make-up artist for five shows of a play and we'll see how things start rolling from there. Honestly I'm incredibly happy about having this opportunity and even though to me this is just adding to my stress levels I plan on going through with this. I will be taking pictures later on about the looks that we create there!
But right now I have trouble taking my mind off uni stuff that stresses me out. I am such a loser when it comes to school: I stress about everything and ALL THE TIME. I really mean all the time, even when I don't need to. I honestly should kick my own ass for thinking that I have to study through a book at least tree times so that I can pass an exam that I don't really even need to pass.. How lame is that??
But enough about that... : D
This week I've gone for a cup of marshmallow cocoa with my friend and visited a museum in Oulu! It's been AGES since I've last gone for either of those. The museum trip was kind of lame, but luckily I didn't have high expectations. The British Museum has ruined all of Finland's museums for me since that museum was so big and had so much stuff there to look at.
Here are some pictures of my awesome DeathStar lamp!! : D
That's all I have for now. See you next time!!
Bye! <3