

Oh yes it is the most magical day of the year for me and guess what... I'm not doing anything!! At all. nope. Not today. not this year... again. :'D Okay I did go to a Halloween party that was on Wednesday (whyyyyyy wednesday????) but I'm not doing anything for this year's actual Halloween.

Surprisingly I'm not probably even going to do a makeup look today, 'cause I just slept for 12+ hours and I am so f-ing out of it today... 

Anyway! Halloween party. Went there with lovely, lovely Kata and we had a lot of fun! I did both of our makeup looks and I did sort of film a making-of video of my makeup, but I'm a little iffy about uploading it. I filmed the video when I was trying out the makeup last week, but I started filming - well not quite halfway through - but it's missing the beginning where I sort of outline to whole look. I think you can tell pretty much what I was doing/how I did it, but still, I don't know. Maybe I'll still edit and upload it... it's still something, right? 
A nice big F-you from Mordor : D

Ugh... why am I so out of it!? Too much sleep... Way too much sleep!!

Luckily I don't really have any school stuff that needs to get done this weekend, since I was yet again a smart student and did my essay early so that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Yay me! I need to learn to categorize a ton of little things by memory before the next exams are coming up (but those are still like 4 weeks from now) and I may or may not try to make some cards in order to memorize them all quickly this weekend. By the way making cards when you need to memorize something is really effective! Yeah, so that may be happening if I can pull myself together at one point or another this weekend. *sigh*

Okay, I'm going to get back to playing and watching horror movies now..

Next week I'm going to my home-home again for Father's Day and the update may be a little late.

See you next time! <3


Mermaid hair

Thank god I have a week off from uni! or actually there's only like 5 days left, but still. : D

I was at my parent's house aka. my home-home the past weekend and came back to my place on Monday. So far I've been chilling at home occasionally studying for the exam I have next week. 


I said I was bored with my hair on the last update, right? ....Well I dyed it. :''D not bored anymore! My hair green now... Or turquoise, or green... I don't know there color is a little strange, but I like it nevertheless! I made a video of the hair-dying process from start to finish, it really seems like the good people of YouTube enjoy hair-videos a lot.. : D 

 So yeah.. Green hair. : D

That's all I've got for now! I'm not 100% sure if I'll make another update this week, but I am planning on making a video tomorrow and Kata's coming to visit some time this week, so I might possibly make another short update, possibly... : D 

 See you in my next post!! bye bye!! <3 


Late update

I'm going to make an update sometime next week, hopefully I'll have at least one video for you then also. Right now I'm 'home-home' and I'll go back to my place on Monday. Hopefully my hairdyes have arrived and I just have to pick them at at the post office!!


Take a bite

I honestly thought that my hair wouldn't curl anymore since for the last couple of times that I've tried to curl it the curl fall really quick, but alas! I was wrong. I put my moist hair on small buns and left them over night and now I look like a poodle. : )) Hell yes <3
Speaking of hair, I am sooooooooo tired of mine. I need change desperately, but I'm trying to endure this until I get more regrowth. A change of color is happening, I've been a redhead for too long!

Oh and I never posted that video that I was talking about last week, so here it is now! I also already have another video ready, but I'll put that in next week's update. : ) 

 Oh and these lollies are the best, btw

Okay, that's all for this week, sorry for the short update!

See you next week!! Bye <3


Inappropriate laughing

Great news! I've got another video on the way! I'm still editing it, so I'll be posting it later on, but hey at least I got it done for this weekend! 

This week I've again been busy with university. At the very earliest I'm home around 5 pm. and when I get back I still have a ton of work to do. 

Oh and I had a terrifying moment of realization that I don't own enough black clothes. :'D You'd think my closet is 99,99% filled with black clothing, but unfortunately it's not. I really need more black clothes. : D 
Yesterday Me and Kata hung out and went to the movies. We saw 'the Equalizer', and it was really good! I really liked it. The action scenes were so over the top that they were actually good, and I gotta tell you I laugh at the most inappropriate times, for some reason it was hilariously awesome when one guy was hung with a barbwire and he choked on his own blood.... :'''DD We also stopped by the Coffee House and oh my god the Chai Latte I had was heaven! <3

Here's a little sneak peak into the video that I'll be posting later on!

See you next week! <3