The vacation is over. Or it will end today. Makes me feel quite sad. I'm really not too excited about going back to school, mostly because I have a test on Tuesday. Though it's good that I have only 5 courses this period, so it's not too rough.
Oh! If you're wondering what happened yestarday with the apologizing, here's what happened. So, it was quite late when he finally showed up. I was nervous and I had been crying for a long time, just because I was freaking out. So I apologized to him, and he didn't really even understand that what was I apologizing about. I explained that I felt horrible for being rude with him the day before and that I felt really terrible that I was so rude and we wouldn't be seeing each other for a long time, nor would we get to talk. He told me that everything was okay and that I had never made him feel sad, angry or anything like that at all. I felt a lot better after that, A LOT better. I told him that I would really miss him, 'cause he's one of my best friends. I was so tired from all the crying and stressing that I had to go to bed and saying "goodbye and have a safe trip" was so painful. I just really had to hold back my tears!
So I went to bed after that. I tried to think about everything else, but the though of having to say bye bye to a dear friend just made me feel so sad. I couldn't hold back tears for long and had to cry it out (Oh man I sound like a wuss!). I'm not a crybaby, but I'm quite sensitive... I have a huge heart (or at least I'm told that I have a huge heart), so saying bye to someone really pains me. Of course I know that if something ever happens I can still contact him, and I will see him and hopefully I'll at least see him before x-mas. Actually I'm quite sure of it.
Anywayz, I went to bed and cried a little. (sorry for jumping like from one thing to another) And then finally I fell asleep. I had nightmares yet again. I've been having them the whole week. This time they were all about my dear friends, him included. It was terrible. It all started out as a nice dream, with my and my pals shopping at a mall, bying some coo, clothes and stuff, but then it just all changed. People just started to disappear and everything just went wrong. My friends just died one by one until it was just me and him. Then he said something to me (can't remembr what it was) and he just hugged me, smiled and backed away. I was gonna run back to him, but then he just fell... IT was such a horrible dream!!! And I can't get it out of my head! *sob sob* I feel terrible...
P.S I've lost weight!!!!! ♥ Just had to tell you guys, 'cause I'm so happy for it. X'D